This may sound like a silly question, but were would one buy golf balls locally. I sacrifice many, many, balls to the jungle gods at Moon Palace. I tried Walmart and Costo to no avail. I would prefer not to pay $27 U.S per sleeve at the resort and really don't have room for 3 dozen in the luggage. And no, I don't suck that bad, I just won't walk 3 feet into the jungle to retrieve a ball ( everything bites or scratches ).
I recall seeing a sporting store in La Isla Mall -- Marlin? Marin? Something like that. Maybe the mall's website has store listing. I know there was one by Plaza la Fiesta & TGIF in the commerical zone before Wilma, not sure if it re-located.
Our local small shop sells them in Pok Ta Pok. Its opposite the Holiday Inn express just down the road from the golf course. Hope that helps Tracey
I would do all I could to get them in your luggage. If you do find them it's going to cost much more than it does in the states.
The store is called Marti but I have no idea if they have golf balls or not. Here is some info on their downtown location, along with a phone number. I would definitely suggest bringing your own as they are deadly expensive at the courses I have played. I have 12 or 15 Ultras if you get in a jam for about $20 U.S. if you need when you get here.