Golden/Great Parnassus is the BEST in Cancun!

Discussion in 'Golden Parnassus Forum' started by HammieJ, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. HammieJ

    HammieJ I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    Awesome! are you a regular or first timer!? We will anxiously awaiting your beautiful pictures and awesome trip report!!! :D

    Say Hi to Gamaliel(very tall handsome buffet worker) for us! :D (theres a pic of him in our gp album)
  2. AGU

    AGU Newbie Registered Member

    Feb 6, 2010
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    Great Parnassus

    This thread seems to be active, therefore i'll post here. We are looking to go Mar29-2010.

    Hi Everyone,
    Can you help the Newbies out?
    We haven't travelled for awhile and definitely have not been to a resort since the honeymoon.
    We are interested in the Great Parnassus because it is one of the only few resorts that will accommodate three kids with 2 adults in one room. (family room)
    My questions, I hope, will be easy to answer.....
    Are the kids exhausted after the kids club? lots to do? oldest is 13?
    If we stay at the Great can my wife and I head over to the Golden during the day and enjoy some of the features and benefits?:clappyinghappy:
    Is there an advantage to book your room directly with the resort and fly down on your own or book through a travel agent and go with a charter company like Sunwing? We are coming from Ontario, Canada.
    Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
  3. GCPSgirl

    GCPSgirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Many of us here that have been to the Great, do not have kids. We don't, but we have known many on the entertainment staff there. They have quite a bit of things going on for the kids. The teens might not have as much to do, but the little ones have a lot going on.

    As far as going over to the Golden. Yes you can. We ran into many parents that went over for a few hours on a daily basis, while their kids where at the Great. The vans go back and forth on the top of every its easy to get there and get back.

    We usually book with a charter company, or book on our own through with the resort and then getting your own air may work if you can find air at a decent price. You will then need to book transfers to and from the airport as well.

    I have a travel agent in Cancun that does a great job if you wanted to get in touch with him I can leave you his name. Many on this site use him.
  4. HammieJ

    HammieJ I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    Yep... We are right along with GP girl.... no kids yet. However the kids water park seems amazing! Kids are always playing there. If you wanted, you could enjoy a meal at the mexican restaurant while watching them through the window.

    We also always go back and forth. Some years its cheaper to stay at the great, even though we prefer the golden... but its nice to experience a different room and different dining options.

    I've booked with 2 years, 2 years and this year we used orbitz. the middle one is usually the cheapest. Apple usually always includes airport transfers, but you can get a shared transfer for 9 bucks or less each way. We loveddd orbitz this year, because we booked early they gave up our flight free plus almost 100 off our hotel stay! we are staying for 14 days and got it for barely 1400. Last year for one week it was 1350!

    We will be leaving by the 23rd but have a wonderful trip!!!
  5. stlouiscouple

    stlouiscouple Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 27, 2010
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    Well hello all. After deciding on and rethinking hedo 3, deciding on and then rethinking Temptation, we have decided on the Golden Parnassus for our trip in April. Any tips? We are booking airfare and hotel seperately so does anyone know what we should expect to pay for taxi fare? Also Is the GP within walking distance to a shopping center? I get a little stir crazy on the resort and enjoy hitting some shops everyother day. Also how can you beat a trip to the cancun walmart!! Any help would be great!
  6. Cape Couple

    Cape Couple Regular Registered Member

    Mar 18, 2007
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    Tip - when going to the party zone (i.e., Coco Bongo, Senor Frogs, The City, etc.), go with the hotel group. You'll get better service and have a more enjoyable time than if you try to go alone or as part of a small group. Enjoy the tequila volleyball and be sure to stop by the Tiki Bar for a nightcap. Many nights it can be THE place to be at the Golden Parnassus...good drinks, good service, good friends, and, every now and then, a little bit (or a lot) crazy! :flash: Just don't do like I did and try to drink 5 "slammers" in 5 wife says I babbled until 5 in the morning and the next I knew I was on Isla Mujeres!
  7. HammieJ

    HammieJ I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    Hey!! Congrats on booking!!! I definitely suggest getting an airport transfer through Cancun Airport Transfer | Shared Cancun Transfer Just $9 it is super cheap!!! best rate ive seen so far!

    GP is in walking distance to a little store.... but if you hop on the bus which is dirt cheap to take you anywhere(convert about 10-20 bucks to pesos for the bus to avoid being ripped off!) it will take you downtown and to shopping plazas in minutes!

    I have actually never been to the walmart! lol.

    Good luck though, if you have any questions I'm here!!!

    At the golden.... tipping definitely goes a long way. The more you tip, the more you get treated like royalty and the stronger your drinks get.
  8. AGU

    AGU Newbie Registered Member

    Feb 6, 2010
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    Thanks GCPSgirl and HammieJ,

    Your info was helpful, and i thank you. We decided to book "THE GREAT" from the 19-26 March. It worked better with our schedule.
    Now, if everyone doesn't mind, I need some help with few more answers. I have been through most posts on the forum and it has been helpful, however, i'm missing a few more details.
    I know we can head over to hte Golden to hang for awhile during the day but does that also include the nighttime/life? we were hoping to head over in the evening/night!
    Any idea what time the last shuttle is heading back to the "Great"?
    Is there a shuttle to the cancun bars? or is the nightlife at the great or golden enough to keep us busy?
    How do the cell phones work down there?
    More inquires tocome....I'm off to bed now.


  9. HammieJ

    HammieJ I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    Sweet! I'll be at the golden til the 23rd! make sure to say hello! It includes everything at the hotels! now if you are talking about going out to the clubs WITH the people from the golden... they go to different clubs every night and usually have their own section/vip.

    I believe the last shuttle goes between 8 and 10pm. however, if you miss it... instead waiting for the next hour... u can just walk to the bus stop and take the bus a few stops for like 7.50 pesos.... which is like 55 cents american or so.(should pay in pesos though or they will rip you off each time for a buck a ride)

    The shows are fun at the golden.... and late at night... usually 11-2am the tiki bar poolside is bumpin. fun things can happen from there..... but most people usually go out to the clubs downtown and re-unite at the tiki bar afterwards. The clubs are veryyyy expensive. I recommend just hanging out at slices, terrasta, carlos n charlies or other free/inexpensive fun places. Maybe go to the club once just to experience it.

    Cell phones: It all depends on your carrier. Some carriers can only receive calls.... and can't receive texts(i got all mine once my plane landed back in the states)
    Last year my friend could send and receive calls. but no texts.
    me personally. i downloaded skype ( and i buy a few hours of internet at the hotel lobby(at the great) which is absolutely beautiful any hour! but i skype with people online to check in..... and i also get in touch with friends that way. It's good to give your room number or talk about meet ups in cancun that way. Very easy and efficient!

    I'm here for you and will answer as best as I can!!
    Congrats on booking!!
    I'm excited for you!!

    Only 10 more days for us! :D
  10. stlouiscouple

    stlouiscouple Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 27, 2010
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    I have been wondering about cell phone usage also. I am with Sprint and will probably call them to see if it is usable down there. Would be fun to take some pics and send to everyone at home to rub it in so to speak. I can't wait till we get there.
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