Okay, I think most of you have heard that my sister met a guy in Cancun, which he wanted my sister to open the Tequila business in China. So he invited my sister to come to Guadalajara, I think thats a Tequila manufactory place. He paid for the plane and hotel, my sister wanted me to come along because she doesn't want to go to a different country alone with a complete stranger. So, yes, I will be in Mexico again~~ and one more thing, Ricey seriously need some hugs~~ alot of hugs~~~ Linster and I are broke up~~ Seriously need some hugs~~~
November 30.. oh bear, i feel so so so bad.. so so bad, i was crying so much these past few days, i drank so much lately.. i didnt eat anything yesterday but drank two bottles of red wine.. i think i'm going to kill myself~
Ricecakes, stop drinking so much. He's just one guy out of 3 Billion on the planet created just for you. You will eat lobster buffet and things will get better.
Tequila sold in China? Hell, if Tequila is kryptonite to Europeans, how you gonna sell it to Asians? BTW - You should have known better than to date a guy named 'Linster' :hug: