So I REALLY want to get our pipes and tinacas cleaned out but don't know the first thing about plumbing. Jorge insists he could do it (ummm, he's not exactly "handy"). Any thoughts on whether this could be a do-it-yourself job? Reliable companies we could call if it's not?
I am serious about my question though! We cleaned out the traps to the washing machine and WACALA! Black slime and the thing has been hooked up less than a year. The water stinks and we've all been getting sick. Help!
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I have fallen and cant get up. Thanks for the good laugh on a Friday afternoon. Cant help you on the plumbing though. I'm no handyman either.
I'm sure plenty of men will volunteer to clean your pipes Kel. LOL. How do you clean the washing machine filter? I should probably do mine....
Not sure about cleaning the pipes but I have seen these bags of stuff that you toss in the tinaco. They look like a tiny bag of the material like ladies wash their lingerie in and they have these white rock looking contents. They smell strongly of chlorine but I don't know what they are called or where to get them. I would think a good dose of chlorine would kill the bad stuff. I know that if I don't use the little faucet thing at the bottom of the shower that the water is nasty when I finally do use it. I think this is the real reason they say not to drink the water here.
I'll ask "Señor Handy", he did it, but made sure I saw how disgusting it was. That is the INGOING pipes of course, not outgoing. BLECH. I think we'll just call a plumber, we've got lots of other issues to be dealt with as well. Not sure if the chlorine would do it this time TJ, I think it's time for a serious scrubbin'. The smell is particularly bad if the tinaca empties then fills again with fresh water so I am assuming it's the tank not the city pipes. Though you never know. I don't want to see what they take out of their (or out of the shower heads or taps I brush my teeth in!).
Kelly, did I ever give you the contact info for the most dependable, fairest plumber I ever came across? If you want to start a plumber relationship with him, maybe you could go to his house? Lives across the street from Vero. He was great and I remember his saying that he wanted to clean our our cisterna, but I never got him to.