Cipro in a 500MG dose gets taken at the onset of symptoms not before-one every 12 hours-that and Imonium AD will fix you typically after 2-4 doses and should get you back in the game right away-its awesome stuff.
Wife and I started taking Emergen-C this week we will take every day tell we leave to be safe get are immune system built up we trying to drink a ton of water now so we fully hydrated lol
I fell sick the third day that i was there and still have the same problem. I feel like i might be coming out of the woods for the first time today. As far as the drinking , i only had the first night that i drank good only. After that i only had a couple here and there. It sucks that most of the nights we didnt do anything but sleep and missed all the other themes. This was the first time though that i ever felt this way and we travel to Mexicoaround once to twice a year for 12 years now. Had to be a bug. I will keep the in room Doc in mind for next time for sure.
Does anyone know what med the doc gave in the shot and if it can be purchased in the pharmacia? I'm a nurse, so I would hate to pay a doc $130 to come and give me or the hubby a shot that I could've just walked across the street and picked up.
I'm really starting to believe we got unlucky n there was a bad stomach flu going around. And when you consider we drink out of all the same glasses, we are in the same pool water, and among other personal contact, it could spread like wildfire which is what i think happened
Spent all day and night on Friday in my room with severe stomach cramps and was dabbing toilet paper by mid afternoon. It wasnt from over indulgence. I would recommend being prepared midication wise just in case.There is definately something down there causing it. I ate a couple omelettes but never the scrambled eggs.
The wife and I both got sick when we went last October, too. It really put a damper on our trip because neither one of us ever felt right after about the 3rd day (were there 9 days and nights). She got sick first and then I got it later in our trip. I didn't feel right for almost 2 weeks after we returned. The wife of another couple we were hanging out with got sick one of their first days, too. For prevention, I think something can be said for pineapple, yogurt and some of the meds that's been mentioned. Few things are worse than going on vacation, one you've been looking forward to for months and then being sick for most of it.