Leslie and I were there 16th - 26th. It was GREAT getting to meet a bunch of you! I got a touch of whatever was going around on about the 18th, but it only lasted about 24 hours. No real bad symptoms, just not feeling all that par. The rest of the trip "illness" was purely self-induced! I think Norwalk or one of those viruses is probably the culprit. I know that by the time we left, we didn't hear as much about a lot of people being sick. Hey Woody, you need to send me a copy of that pic with Delicious!! Brent and Leslie Nitecap
This is what was in the shot from a previous post: Gentamicina 80 Butilitioscina Difonidoz RX was for: Akabar (2 tabs every 6 hrs x 3 days) Antibiotic Vontrol (1 tab every 6 hrs) for Nausea Boscapina Compositum (1 tab every 6 hrs) for Pain Good news that it sounds like it is slowing down. We arrive in 96 hours!
My husband and I were there April 22-29th and had no issues. We each took two pepto tablets each morning as a preventative measure. I don't know if that did the trick, but we were fine. (Thank god!)
Seems like the problems of a few weeks ago have cleared up. I chatted with most of the people on the cruise yesterday and no serious sickness was reported. A few people did miss the cruise, presumably due to illness, but out of 65 people its kind of expected.
Good to know. :lotsofmichaelfs: Don't mistake hang overs with illness Looking forward to next season,
Hehe - my favorite posts are the ones who say they got sick and had nothing but alcohol and midnight burgers. My stomach would revolt too!! I didn't get sick till I got home - and the only thing I had off-resort was a bar soda at the airport. I'm blaming the airport.