I wish it was but I eat alot of fruit, meat and veggies. On the weekends i usually have a bad meal but it's makes up for all the other times I am eating good. I eat 5 small meals a day. I think it a matter of not enough sleep(only get 5 or 6 hours a night) and my body being used to even more exercise as I used to teach step aerobics and aquasize. Lost 6 more workouts when i quit those. Also used to run 5km every other day and now I do elliptical, spin bike, treadmill and step occassionally. All that and screwed up hormones.
Don't kid yourself monique, most fruit are pure simple sugars(which is way worst than fat). Best way is to look at the glycemic index of food. the low glycemic food is the way to go
Depends on the fruits..I like strawberries, blueberries, oranges, and bananas and occassionally grapes but they tend to give me a stomach ache. I eat oatmeal and ww bread all the time. No white bread ever hits this house. And I don't like foods that come in boxes or fruits in cans.
15/6 has been my motto for the last 30 days. Less than 15 g of sugar and 6 servings of carbs a day. To put things into perspective a banana has 11 g of sugar, orange about the same. Broccoli 2g of sugar per cup etc. Sugars increase your insulin levels which keep you fat. Higher levels of insulin also prevent triglycerides from breaking down thus keeping you fat. Once your insulin levels are lower , the fat can leave the cells. Check out thebellyfatcure.com. I don't know much more about it but it's been working for me. I guess the key too is moderation and a little will power.
Lol hate to depend the banana but lol I LIKE IT. I have no doubt that I will lose weight cause most of it comes from the thoughts in your head. You move toward what you think about and that I will. I think a helathy balance is best.
monique.......I could never give up bananas either...........i love em and they are soooooooooo good for you.....besides I have an oral fetish and ....well..........you know Ellie:mermaid: