I'm saying if you are scanning through your roller decks for lawyers to draw up a pre-nup, then you need recheck your entire relationship with that person before walking down the aisle. Marriage isn't a business.
Hooking up with the hot dude/chick you met in Cancun isn't a business either but knowing about the risk involved and taking the proper precaution will save you a lot of headache (or worse) in case something unexpected happens. And yes, you can take sex advice from someone who never had STD.
You people are hopeless Bottom line marriage is for those that truly love each other. Those that are willing and ready to make a commitment to each, for better or worse, through sickness and in health, till stink needs to be unclogged, and the washer needs a hose. It is for those who TRULY LOVE EACH OTHER and ready to spend the rest of their lives together. Not for those who wish to gain financial gain, political power, or name recognition. And anyone else who sees other is just completely fu**ing retarded. Thats right I Said it, "Fu**ing RETARDED." Now you go edit that
Believe it or not, marriage for love is a modern phenomenon. For thousands of years, in most cultures, marriage was an arrangement of necessity, instead of union of love. The upper class married for power and the lower class married for money. And the decision of who to marry was often not even in the hands of the couple. In modern society, marriage is romanticized. Girls are brought up to think it's their life's purpose to get married and her self worth is somehow tied to whether she is married. People are brainwashed into thinking love without marriage is not real love. Girls feel bad about themselves if too many of her friends get married. If you date a girl for too long without progressing toward marrying her, she'll get mad at you. Is the modern marriage really that much better than say 1000 years ago? The divorce rate is definitely much higher. Call me hopeless but I still believe love doesn't need marriage to be true and married people don't necessarily truely love each other.
Love is not a feeling. Love is an act of the will. Love is what (should) establish a marriage and maintain it. The concept of love has been romanticized to be simply a wonderful feeling. However, after years of marriage one does not go to bed and wake up the next morning with the same wonderful, head in the clouds feeling as when they took their vows. Love still goes on.
this is FAR to sappy for the spring break board................. GET PAID, GET LAID, AND ENJOY YOUR DAY!! CANCUN......WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Wow, this got deep. I do like MichaelF's statement on sex and love are independent of each other. hw711, if I got what you said that you don't have to have love to have marriage, I agree and don't agree. But I will not settle for not having love and sex in my marriage. Now some of the sex does come outside of the marriage in my case. But it is not confused with love. So, as Collegeguy says "GET PAID, GET LAID, AND ENJOY YOUR DAY!! "
hw711, did she get serious on this one? She has been serious a few times lately. Beginning to worry about her.