Hi all, Just wondering what the general age group is at the resort? I know it's 21+, but is the crowd mostly 21 year olds, or 30s, or 40s...etc, etc. Or is it just a general mix usually? Thanks in advance!
Not trying to be vague, but the age group really is all over the place... I have been 3 times in the last 5 years and the age groups have always ranged from 20's to 60's... the first year we went, the median age was probably mid 40's... the second year, the median age was probably mid 20's... and the third year, i think it was pretty much even across the board... it probably depends on when you go... i imagine spring break would be a much younger crowd... and the winter holidays an older crowd... i have had a BLAST each time i have been, regardless of the age groups...
ages been 2 years since our last visit but our assumations are median age of aboout mid 30s with a very good showing on both sides of the 30 mark. everyone parties together suprising well. a lot of ladies over 30 that would be the envey of a lot of 20 year olds.
I would safely say you will see any age between 21 and 70. and a fair ammount of each 10 year bracket so it is a really good mix. but one thing i can say for certain that you will find 100% of the time is really good people wanting to have a really good time!
Gotta agree, except the oldest I have met was 75 or 80, when they have singles week there are alot of 20's there,(if they still do that) but I think it is the one place on earth where nobody cares how old or young you are and all party together. You will meet a few people no matter what age they are that are stand ofish but not many. Terry