System Problem Sorry for the inconvenience, but we're currently experiencing difficulties accepting your registration request. This may be due to excess demand for this service. You might also experience problems if you have used the back button on your browser to register multiple people. Remember, the registration process is not first come first served. Everyone who registers between 1st February and 28th February has an equal chance of getting a ticket when they go on sale.
Curvy try doing it in a couple of hours when it will be midnight here and the servers should be quite. I signed up me and gemma the other day late at night and it worked fine. Glastonbury Wooooooooooooo! Bye Adam
Aiiiright - thank you for the heds up Adam - I will check it out when I get home - it looks so esoteric!!!???
lol if you are not having any luck email me the picture you are going to use and I can do it for you first thing in the morning if you like. Im still real Nervous that the Killers wont be there, First of all there were then not then were, I really hope they are. Bye Adam