I here my name being mentioned here a fair few times, tut, tut........mcsmee nearly threw himself out of the window so wouldn't be suprised if he threw underwear out too.
i have a pair of boxers from the first night................ stolen very carefully from 809. we will trade?
Thief! One day I must actually go round the dirty house and collect all the random bits of clothing that lay there? yes, the pair you wore inside out and shouted out to gemma across the whole beach while wearing and quite possibly still in that state?
oh no it is not my knickers that have gone just my new black bra it was mcsmee, clearly he is trying to avoid suspician by blaming others???
alpaca - because shez isnt around for him to blame! thats his usual trick! (wakes up very early, very hyped for first day in cancun, looks down and sees inside out boxers, panics then runs to window and shouts to gemma still in that state for everyone else to see)