Gay Week discussion

Discussion in 'Free For All' started by jenfleur, Feb 11, 2007.

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  1. CancunCanuck

    CancunCanuck Guest

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    You would actually consider rescheduling or cancelling your vacation because there are going to be a few gay people here? Now THAT is the definition of homophobia and I find your comments to be extremely offensive. My brother and his partner come to Cancun whenever they can but I never hear them complain about the number of straight people here.

    You've probably been on vacation with any number of gay people and not even known it. Relax and enjoy your trip, that is if you can handle all the "Mexicans" that are here. Don't let your prejudice spoil your good time, there will be plenty of straight white folks here too.
  2. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Posts that start with "all due respect" generally mean the reverse ;)

    I stand by my comments though that most people feel at their most comfortable when surrounded by people similar to themselves or in a group that encompasses a diversity across whatever criteria that might be. If you feel I'm promoting hatred then so be it, I can live with that with a clear conscience.

    Perhaps a better analogy (because it remains on a sexuality theme) is that of swingers. My wife and I are not swingers, but it doesnt stop us going to BBG, and knowing and spending time with many who are. In fact there'll probably be some who choose that lifestyle on our booze cruise tomorrow. I dont know, I never ask - it's not important to us. But if you asked me would we choose to take our annual vacation at the same time and hotel that a large swingers convention was taking place then I'd have to say no.

    Anyhow, free for all is a better place for such discussions. Please, feel free to start a debate there, although it is unlikely to be one I'll personally contribute to.
  3. 212eric

    212eric Guest

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    I think Steve made some excellent points. We get asked the question all the time about spring and summer break. More recently people have expressed reservation about visiting Cancun during the Jazz Festival, which has turned into more of a hip hop promotion. There are just some people who do not want to visit Cancun during these times for whatever reason.

  4. gene37412

    gene37412 Guest

    +0 / 0
  5. Jamie

    Jamie Mayor of Temptation Registered Member

    Mar 11, 2003
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    There is a big difference between a "few gay people there" and a "International Gay Week Celebration".

    Seems I'm reminded of an old saying "Thou protests too much..." Meant that if anyone said anything bad about someone you would go overboard to come to their aid to show how enlightened you were. Remember when the hip saying was "Some of my best friends are black."?

    They are a lot of groups of people that I would rather not be in Cancun at the same time as they are. Take the period of time when the High Schoolers invade. Been there once during that time and never want to do it again. Does that mean I'm a High Schoolerphobic? Does that mean I hate all High Schoolers? Nope, just means that on my vacation I don't want to party with them.

    So get off your high horses on this one.....

  6. MartinnVegas

    MartinnVegas Regular Registered Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    Is there such a thing as "Plumbers Week"? If there is, I definitelly want to avoid it. I wouldn't want to be the only glazier there. Yep, I'm a little plumbophobic.
  7. Michael F.

    Michael F. Moderator/1st CC Member Registered Member

    Feb 17, 2003
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    Am personally revulsed by plumbers' cracks and run in terror when I see one. Sometimes I get a knee-jerk reaction and cringe at other cracks...such as wise cracks. :cool:
  8. R.I. GAL

    R.I. GAL Guest

    +0 / 0
    Re: Cancun Gay Week

    WELL SAID JASON :!: :!: :!:
  9. janie

    janie Guest

    +0 / 0
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: plumbers' cracks!!!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. CancunCanuck

    CancunCanuck Guest

    +0 / 0
    (Sorry Steve, I know you want this in off topic but I can't not respond).

    There is a big difference in saying you don't want to be around a group of people based on their sexuality than saying you don't want to be around a group of kids. Teenagers running rampant can impact your relaxing time for sure. What sort of impact will a group of adults have who just happen to choose someone of the same sex to love? They are not going to act any different than you and your significant other, how can they possibly affect your vacation or what you do with it? A bunch of teenagers will make noise, splash in the pool, make a mess, how can you compare the two groups?

    There is no high horse here, nor am I "protesting too much". Most people are not protesting enough the obvious hatred that started this thread. The only thing I hate is hate and that's what the first poster is revealing in their Desire to avoid anyone that might be different than they are.

    Ok, I'm done, I won't respond any further. Wanting to avoid a group of people based on race, religion or sexuality is discrimination and hate, pure and simple.
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