Ok Folks, Sometime we need to express herself. So here we can just tell or good or bad things happen randomly. It can be funny at some point I'm the one who always happen to biggest badluck ever.. I'm pretty sure you will laught at me but that's ok So here my Pretty funny story from today .. For people who know I didn't have a FUCKING dryer for like 2 FUCKING WEEKS. My stypid dryer was working on and off... So for 4 days could not work then start to fucking working again !!! :banghead: I was so happy this morning because I was waiting to have my new clothes washer and dryer . The guy who sell me my set told me to wait 4 hours before using my clothes washer because all their appliance are tested and the water will be freeze. I say perfect no problem. Put both of the breaker off, ( washer and dryer ) Unplug the old one . PLug the new one. Put the dryer vent Place the 2 hoses for the water to my washer.. Then wait... Turn on both of the breaker. Turn on the water ( who takes me about 10 times to have it install correctly. ( I'm not good with those things . ) Then, start my first load Whoohoo I was feeling like a champ, because I didn't ask anyone for help. =D Then.... I went to turn on my dryer.. But he didn't to turn on .. I was like what the f*ck is going around. I double check the breaker, turn it off then back on. Check the plug twice. Everythings was fine. So I say what's the problem... ??? I call Ben and I told him the dryer do not work and I don't know why. He ask me why. I told him; well if I know why isn't working do you think I will really call you ? ( sometime boys ... ) Then he told me, try to figure it out, I said ok . and I love you =) Then hang up ! ) . So I check at the plug, and they was a wire ( Black which I know it's ground I call Ben back and told him it was the ground .. he said it will not change anything. I said are you sure. So I Hook up the ground to the piece of metal. Then went to the breaker and turn the breaker on and pouffff... No more power in all the freakin house, and the main breaker was off. I try to turn it on but no success. I start Crying like a cow, Call ben and he told me there's nothing he can do. Was aroung 5h37 so all electrician store was close. and I was scare to turn on back on the breaker, because it was smelling burn downstairs. So I try to call electricians but after 5 answering voicemail, 3 that told me they can't come and fixing before tommorrow morning. Well Hello, it's fucking -25 C here. I don't know for you but for me I need my heating working properly. Then call my grandfather who he know everyone here and he give me the phone number of the guy. The old person came fix my plug for my dryer and my breaker at the same time. 60 $ later everything works properly You know, when you're in rush because you're going in vacation !! I hope that will make you smile, because even if I was piss as hell, I laught at myself after =)