Funcouple's May 17th - 31st Trip Report - pictures added

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by funcouple, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. funcouple

    funcouple Addict Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2006
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    Well I guess that it is about time that I get my fingers in gear here and get working on our TR.

    May 17, 2008.

    Up at 4am and off to the airport in Regina to catch our flight to Toronto where we had a 5 hour layover. But we did phone our good buddy Ralph who took pity on us and came and kept us company until we got back on the plane and then it was off to Cancun. We have got to find a better route to get there since we did not arrive until 7:30 at night in Cancun. It was hilarious; Gary and I managed to misplace our passports a few times on our trip. Yep, it confirmed that we were stressed out and needed a vacation. Well we get to the carousel and wait for our luggage with great anticipation, and we wait ..... and we wait ..... and we watch everyone get their luggage and leave and we wait ... and we wait .... and before you know it our luggage starts arriving .... except for 1 bag .... so we wait and everyone is leaving and there are just us and one other couple there and the last three bags come around the carousel and finally there is our last bag. Finally now we can get to TTR .... YAHOO!! Just one more final hurdle, get out our passports and head through customs.

    Kathy “Gary, where are the passports?”

    Gary “I, don’t know you had them”

    Kathy “I handed them to you when you asked for gum and I had to get it out of my purse.”

    Gary “Didn’t I hand them back?”

    Kathy “No!!!!”

    So here we are, the last two passengers in the whole airport, with customs looking on wondering what the heck we are doing .... finally Gary finds them in the pocket of one of our suitcases ....YEAH!!!! Now we just have to press that stupid button and get out of this place ..... Push .... RED .... NOT RED .... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Well that is par for the course considering the rest of day. So here we are opening all our bags that we had to sit on to close and having customs go through them. But we were given the go ahead .... I have the feeling that even if we had something we shouldn’t have they would have let us through just so they could go home .... since it looked like the airport was closing up for the night or something. Thanks heavens for Brandt we got our ride to TTR and finally got there, checked in with absolutely no problem, got to our room. Wonderful, loved the room, love the sexy light and the view ..... ocean, sexy pool, trees, gardens, it was great. WE ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quickly get our bags set around the room and out we head. We headed straight for Nice Shoes and saw the end of the strippers .... was great. Show over ... we look around and there are Bob and Sheila ... so we meet them and danced with them and another couple that we met ... (Wish I would have written people’s names down) another couple that were leaving the next day ... but had a great time dancing and talking and drinking beer. It was stupendous. Then off to the Tex Mex or whatever you call that place for our first of many Cheeseburgers in Paradise and more beer. Things start to get a little fuzzy, I think that we headed back to Pady O's, yes we did and we met Navy Davy, and Kenny and a few other people, sorry can’t recall any other names. We were heading back to our room when we ran into them and Gary decided to stay and party some more but I still felt that I was going to save some energy for tomorrow. I was going to give Gary a key but he said no .... I will only be a minute or so and I will be up to our room, 2316.
    Well I wake up at 4:45am and turn over in bed ....... NO GARY!?!?!?!?!?!?

    I grab the nearest outfit and out the door I go. I get to the sexy pool area and here is Gary sitting on a chair with Dave (Dave and Rosa) just chatting away. I also got to meet Scott for the first time. So there we sat and chatted and Gary told me his whole story about how he ended up spending the night on the beach as we watched the sun rise. What a beautiful way to start our first full day at TTR.

    Oh, I guess that you might want to find out why Gary spent the night on the beach..... Well Gary finally decided to head up to bed and headed up to the room that he thought was his .... KNOCK....KNOCK....KNOCK .... “WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!” Yells a man’s voice ..... Gary thinks .... whoops ....wrong room..... I tell him later .... Not wrong room honey .... Wrong time .... Just kidding.... He was at the wrong room so he heads to the lobby to find out his room number. So he heads up to our room and again KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. But Kathy does not hear a sound and Gary is too embarrassed to go back to the front desk and now ask for a key since he can’t get his wife to open the door for him. So he heads to the beach and crawls onto one of the premier beds ... minus the mattress and goes to sleep. He does have security come up to him and Gary just asks “Is it OK?” And security leaves him alone .... after all he does have the armband on for Temptation. So that is the story of our first night in Cancun, Temptation Resort Spa.

    MAY 18, 2008 – May 31, 2008.

    Going to lump the rest together since I did not keep track day to day of all our activities and it is so hard to keep it all straight (don’t know why? Do you think it would have something to do with the alcohol? Surely not.) So like stated earlier we started our first day watching the sunrise and meeting a few of the May group. Then low and behold as we pick our chairs for the day .... down come Jim of Jim and Kathy with his breakfast (DOS XX) in his hand to pick his chairs and we got to meet him. Now we got to meet Scott and MJ, Steve and Karen (did I get it right this time, for some reason I kept forgetting who went with who lol) Dave and Rosa, Jim and Kathy, Bill and Chris, Glenn and Monique, Jamie and Chris, Greg and Tina, Bob and Sheila, Tom (icecube) John (later nicknamed “Buffalo Balls by T) and more but I just can’t remember who all we met there were so many wonderful people. We spent that day drinking and enjoying the sexy pool. I ended up in the beer drinking contest. Gary challenged the winner and ended up showing his family jewels and my favorite toy to the whole of TTR. It was all good .... Gary got nicknamed “Hooser” and “Bushwhacker” was great seeing Gary let loose and have a great time.

    Everything was going great until I met Valerie and she started feeding me purple sh*t. Then everything just went blank. I don’t know what they put into that stuff but it makes you lose everything. Gary told me that I was doing Komakazie’s and other shots and then Chino’s showed him how to do a body shot on me .... and I am going WHAT!?!?!? But I did see the pictures that people took so I know he was telling the truth. But I was also told the next day that I was dancing naked on the bar and a few other things and Jim said hey you want to see the pictures.... but needless to say they did not have any pictures since I did not do what they said.

    Thanks again to Bob and Sheila who took Gary and me under their wing and helped us make it to our room, you guys are awesome.

    I mean I could go into detail about a lot of things on our trip but I don’t think anyone is in the mood to read a novel. I am just going to mention that we took the trip over to Isla Mujeres with 7 other couples, Dave and Rosa (Their 25th was that day), Lynn and Ruth, Joe and Lynn, Jack and Edie, Steve and Karen, Bill and Chris, Greg and Tina and then Gary and I. Thanks to Tina and Greg for taking me under their wing as I was not feeling great and they helped Gary look after me. I and Mignon (another wonderful person that we met along with her husband John, was so great meeting you guys)were stung by Jelly fish the night before. We toured around the Island and ended up at North Beach for a wonderful open air lunch some beer and a swim in the ocean. Everyone took lots of pictures except for me. I just bought myself a brand new Canon Rebel XTI and was too afraid to lose it (since I got so drunk the first night and could not remember anything) so I did not take my camera out except for the last day to take pictures around the resort. DUMB!!!! So I won’t be posting much for pictures.

    We had a trip on the yacht with our good friends Greg and Tina, Bill and Judy, and T. That was a blast. Beautiful day, beautiful water, beautiful view, beautiful friends and lots of booze. Don’t actually remember getting back to the resort ... but do remember dancing with Lalo and Gary. I think we were doing the Temptation new theme dance but don’t know for sure. All I can say is we had a ball. Thanks for the wonderful day guys.

    We also had the evening Cancuncare booze cruise. It was fun but because of rough seas it was a little hard to party. Dave and Rosa, Bill and Chris and Glenn and Monique had their anniversaries recognized. They also had a sexy dance contest and their were 4 of us who won T-shirts. Yeah another T-shirt that I won. I had great fun on the ride home as the boat was really tipping side to side. I loved it, thought it was great fun, but I know that not everyone felt that way since it would be pretty scary if you are not use to it. Special thanks to Steve and Janet who went to so much work to set it up with very little time. Was so great to finally meet you both. You are awesome people. Also extra special thanks to Jamie for keeping track of everyone and posting their pictures and the dates that they would be at Temptations. You went above and beyond. It was wonderful to spend time with you and Chris.

    Gary spent every day playing horse shoes and I did on quite a few occasions. In fact we won our first T-shirts for winning a tournament together. Oh and those beautiful Gucci chains they give out .... who can pass on those. It was wonderful fun.

    We did the scuba lesson with Boris, what a great guy. You have to at least try the in pool lesson and if you like it you must go on the dive with Boris. It is worth every penny. Gary decided not to go on the dive since he has problems with leg cramps and knew that it would bother him, but encouraged me to go. Wow the fish the, reef the water, the feeling of being free and breathing under the water. Loved it, loved it, and loved it. In fact, loved it so much that I took my PADI certification through Boris. Awesome teacher that guy and great fun to dive with. Was a lot of reading and studying but worth it just to take those dives and I passed my final with flying colors 100%. I am now a certified open water diver and can dive anywhere in the world. Can’t wait to get back to Cancun and go diving with Boris again. Also I got a girl named Melanie to take a video of my underwater dives on the Friday before we left. It was my last two dives and I had tests to do to qualify me for my certificate. The video was great, was $45.00 and I think worth every penny. If you get a chance to go on the dive and she is there, she does an awesome job of the video, first class. I just wish now that I had bought the video from the first dive.

    We ate at two of the specialty restaurants with Bill and Judy, the seafood and the Italian, and then again at the Italian with Greg and Tina where we had the lobster. It was soooooooooo good. And this coming from someone who does not eat seafood. But seafood in land locked Saskatchewan is not seafood in Cancun. I love seafood in Cancun.
    We joined in a few contests and played naked tequila volley ball and just water volley ball and played crazy darts and met so many wonderful people that we did not want to leave even after two weeks.

    Thanks to T, (you are so awesome girl, miss you already) Chinos, Omar, Lalo (stop trying to steal my husband) and the new girl, Jamie, (you are a real sweetie). You keep us entertained and having a ball. Thanks to all the guys that handle the water sports, Manuel you are soooo cute.
    Our maid Monica was amazing and sweet, the bartenders, Javier (easy on the eyes), Daniel, Pedro, Santos, Victor, Oliver, Herbert and one of the helpers Fedencio (miss your sweet smile). Alberto, Raphael, Lorenzo, Cesar, Roman, and so many others of the wait staff you were all great, wish I had written down all your names so that I could mention you all. Thanks to the girls at the front desk, Citlali you were such a big help. Thanks to Sally for the help you gave me when I needed it so badly you are a very special young woman. We love you all, you keep us coming back for more.

    Special thanks to all the chefs, gardeners, grounds people, pool people and all the people behind the scenes that work so hard to make Temptation a great place to be. Your smiles make our day. Again, wish I could remember all your names so that I could thank you personally. Also thanks to the gentleman who took all the pictures with Poncho, the monkey, iguana, and parrots. We loved the pictures.

    And to all the people that we met, I mentioned quite a few already and am going to try to mention some more, Thank you. You made our trip even better for having come into our lives. Valerie and her husband and his brother Ian. Gary and Leanne (Thanks for the lap dance Gary, Leanne is a lucky woman) Harry and Tamara (thanks for lending Gary your sandals but he managed to lose those too) Tammy, Jennifer and Jennifer, Kimber (now don’t forget, you are perfect the way you are, you don’t have to change a thing), Sassy and Crazy Beotch (hope to party with you more next time). Gardy and Paige, Tana and (whoops brain fart) can’t remember his name, Brian and his wife from Detroit (another brain fart, please forgive me) Pam and Karen, Penny and her daughter, Donna (don’t forget to tell yourself how beautiful you are every day), Heidi (was great having breakfast with you and talking, you are one amazing young woman), Deb and Linda (very special couple, and so cute together),Roy and Marie, (was so great to meet you guys after chatting on here for so long) also Barry and Kathy (too bad you guys could not have stayed longer) It was so great meeting (now I know this is spelt wrong but here goes) Suin and his wife.(He kept calling Gary Temptation's good will ambassador) and everyone else that I met that I have not mentioned. There is not a person that I met and talked to that I did not have a good time with. It was also so nice to see my hubby talking and chatting to everyone he met since the last time we were at the resort he hardly said a word. Glad he come out of his shell and showed his wonderful personality that I get to see everyday.

    In fact we had so much fun that Gary and I got actual tattoos (not Henna) that say “Nice Shoes” with the Temptation Logo underneath. We are branded forever as members of this resort. Love the resort love the people, love our friends.

    We can’t wait to get back to TTR as soon as possible. Next May for sure, so glad to be part of the repeat offender May reunion bunch.

    I will have a few pictures to post when I can, just need to get my underwater camera pictures developed and have a few to scan and download from my camera. So will post them when I can.


    Another Novella by Katherine Margaret Mastrangelo

    Next one should be released hopefully
    In September or October of 2008!
  2. Angibaby

    Angibaby Guru Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Sounds like you all had a blast! I think we may have met around the pool one day possibly. (but hell I only remember about 2% of all I did!)
  3. funcouple

    funcouple Addict Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2006
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    We probably did. I met so many people I just wish i would have written the names down and taken pictures of everyone. If we did meet and talk I know that I liked you .... LOL since there is not one person that I met this trip that I did not think was great.
  4. Angibaby

    Angibaby Guru Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Ha ha ha! I liked you too then! :lol: I really wished I had done a little more outgoing socializing with the CC group. It just seemed I was the last to arrive and it felt like everyone was already best buds. Everyone was so friendly though I should have just got in there. Everyone was so friendly that we did meet. Would love to do another May trip again.
  5. joemag

    joemag Enthusiast Registered Member

    Mar 25, 2008
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    We met gary,but unforunately not Kathy, and talked with him several times during our stay. I will never forget the image on our first morning at TTR when you guys took the yacht cruise.

    There was a huge line of "civilians" waiting for the ferry to Isla and then Gary and crew stripped naked and romped on the forward deck to the astonishment and horror of many. We hurt ourselves laughing and cheering as they left the dock with Gary wearing only his white socks hanging off the front like a bowsprit!!!

    He was "The king of the world" LOL
  6. RonaldNTalina

    RonaldNTalina Guru Registered Member

    Aug 18, 2006
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    Nice TR...any photos to share?

    Ronald :cool:
  7. Max32

    Max32 Guest

    +0 / 0
    WOW Kathy!!! What a TR and I LOVE the fact that you guys got tattoo's - youre so cool!!!

    I'm so glad you had a wonderful time - you two are lovely people and it was wonderful meeting you at TTR when we were there is 06. Maybe we'll get there in May one year!!

    I saw people drinking that purple s**t last year and wanted to try it - but somehow after reading Monique's report and now yours, I think I'll give it a miss when we go!!

    Take care and love to Gary
    Max (& Ross)

  8. funcouple

    funcouple Addict Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2006
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    Yes, you guys have to come in May, it was the best vacation that Gary and I ever had. We met so many great people and I know you would love it.
  9. icecube88

    icecube88 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 22, 2007
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    Great TR...It was an honor to me you two... I had so much fun... I met so many new friends. Hope to return next year...Take care... :D
  10. DavenRose

    DavenRose I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 10, 2005
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    Wow, I was wondering how you would ever capture all you guys did in a TR and you pulled it off, great details. It was great seeing you both again! We had a great time with the two of you!
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