We are talking about forming a club to share and perfect our gestures and traffic-related swearing. The most potent swears are those that use both languages...vete a la chingada mofo... Driving in Cancun is one of the best things about living here. It is fun, always thrilling and you get a huge sense of satisfaction when you arrive unscathed and unburdened with traffic tickets. I literally drive with my lights on in the daytime so that I'm more likely to be seen while passing in the shoulder on the right...driving here makes driving in Boston look easy.
I want a car..... In fact, I want this car...... but I am completely famboozled by the interest rates on new cars here! I wanna play and join a group that has rude hand gestures and swears!
How often do you all get back home to see your "other family"???? I know that when I stayed in Cancun, it was just my daughter and I and I used to be afraid that if anything happen to me - what would happen to my daughter? Would they contact my family, would she end up in an orphanage, would she end up selling bracelets on some street???? I had a big case of the "what ifs" and I came back home. Not to mention I was laid off from work while I was down there and they called me back after 4 months. But anyways, those were some of the things that I thought about while I was there. EB
My "whatifs" run along the lines of "what if the US has a major terrorist attack, will my family there be safe?". I miss living in the US, miss many things. But I feel safer here. I visit family there once or twice a year, and they come here a little less often. None of my family is terribly enamored with Cancun...
RG c'mon - if you wanted to live in the US and be safe from a terrorist attack (or at least safe from non-US terrorists), you could live anywhere in Iowa or Tennesee or Indiana and be pretty unconcerned about it. Clearly something more than that is keeping you there.
Did I say that that fear was keeping me here? No, I did not. It's just one of my what ifs. All of my close family live near important military installations in the US, I'm worried about them, not myself.
I DO feel safer here. But my concern about terrorists attacks in the US is for the safety of my family there, not myself.
OK, good... now that we have that put away. How about building on something else more interesting... Cute. I assume mofo means chinga tu madre, the rest is obvious of course. So then - for consideration by the club, names you can call others to get their dander up include: "hijo de puta", or just a simple "pesado" or, to get personal "Eres una marica" (for guys only, I believe) One party can also suggest that the other "beso mi cola" or speaking in the third person as to not be too direct ..."Qué tipa pendeja!" Any of these make for good converstation with and/or about bad drivers - of course, if you're really serious about this, you'll need to go out and buy http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130093451376