7 AM VOMIT!!!!! Wow i hate having to get up at that time to work never mind being there at that time!!! What do u do?
You aint kidding, i work in operations for one of the banks in london - 7am - 7pm ... gotta get up at 5 but its only ever for 3 days at a time so not too bad! moving out in to a normal 9 - 5er in september, but that still means getting the train at 7:30 to be in to london for 9 lol, bit of a lose lose situation round here! :!: note to self, must win lottery this weekend :!: still havent done any work - off to lunch now what does everyone else do?
I get half an hour lunch and am outta here at 330, usually don't get out at time....But I am home by no later that 4..