Fox vs. CNN

Discussion in 'Free For All' started by twinimini, May 22, 2013.

  1. twinimini

    twinimini I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    But Bruce, I have to ask you, is not the failure to report news also politically motivated? The IRS scandal is much larger than most people realize. Are you aware that in all of US law only one organization can say you are guilty until you prove your own innocence? Remember Bruce, that I have to deal with the IRS every single day. The IRS is probably the most powerful internal organization within the US. With the IRS guilt is assumed and innocence must be proven.

    The fact that the other so called news organizations just ignore this story is incredible to me. What do you think CNN would be saying if the abuse of power had happened on Bush's watch? Would MSNBC be screaming that he should be impeached? Would CBS be running stories on 60 Minutes about how Bush was crushing his opposition with abuse of power? The fact that it is Obama abusing the office makes it all fine among the other news outlets. What also gets ignored is that the organizations were not granted their status before the election. Would it have made a difference? Who knows.

    I have no doubt that Fox is very biased, but I also have seen enough examples of biased reporting on the part of the major news outlets to say that the biased reporting of news is a very, very crowded field. The ignoring of a major story is just another form of bias.
  2. Brewster

    Brewster I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 12, 2010
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    If we hear something over and over again we begin to believe it. It just something we humans are susceptible to. I would bet most FOX viewers are convinced that Obama and Clinton were directly responsible for a stand down order in Benghazi because they didn't want the perception that they had defeated Al Qaida marred in the heat of an election.

    There is absolutely no evidence to prove this. But FOX has said it so many times their viewers believe it.

    If it is true, it is certainly terrible. So, have an inquiry to find out. Are the other news outlets irresponsible for not fanatically covering the Benghazi story day and night for months, like FOX? Well, I don't think so.

    Would they have if it had been a Republican administration? Well, remember Iraq and the so called WMD's? Was there a Liberal news fanatical mission to have Bush, Cheney and the rest impeached or brought to justice for misleading the public? Thousands and thousands lost their lives and I think there is plenty of reason to hold an inquiry. Certainly as much reason as Benghazi.
  3. Brewster

    Brewster I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 12, 2010
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    I agree that the IRS has way too much power (Like our Canada Revenue). And there should be a thorough inquiry into this targeting specific political groups.

    You'll know better, Ed, but isn't the exemption the Tea Party, etc. looking for specifically for social welfare? And doesn't it specifically rule out political activities?

    If that is the case, it could be expedient to do a search for similarly named entities also looking for the same exemption. Just playing devils advocate.

    Again... no frickin' proof tying this back to the WH but you wouldn't know that watching

    CALI_ALLURE Regular Registered Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    FOX news is garbage and a joke. Strictly entertaining, but with that said, all media is meant to simply entertain...Fox News just makes it blatantly obvious and annoying.
  5. twinimini

    twinimini I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    I personally don't think the Benghazi flap is worth the press Fox is giving it, but it does show that we have a President who can lie with a real straight face, but then again, that is nothing new in American politics. Is part of it meant to slander Hillary? Absolutely! The same as the 47% comment by Romney was meant to slander him.

    Bruce, as I understand it, there were a flood of exemption requests after the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court. Both liberal and conservative organizations were flooding in with exemption requests. The 501(c)(4) exemption was for social welfare groups which allowed them to contribute to political campaigns. The problem is that the liberal groups went through unquestioned while the conservative groups got waylaid so that they could not participate in the election process.

    The IRS is a very structured organization with directives always flowing from the top down. Now we have the director responsible for that part of the IRS pleading the fifth amendment so that she doesn't have to testify. Now is she doing that because she was the one totally responsible? Perhaps she is pleading the fifth to protect people higher up. The question arises as to how high up the ladder is the person she is protecting.

    BTW, if you get a chance, take a look at the connections via marriage and siblings of the Obama Administration, CNN, CBS, and ABC. It sure does make one think that there is no way those outlets would let anything negative touch their teleprompters about Obama.
    Last edited: May 30, 2013
  6. yucatan

    yucatan Enthusiast Registered Member

    Sep 11, 2009
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    Twinimini is correct. The viewer has to discern which programs are news and which are commentaries. And of course, any Fox news story that reveals the incompetence of this administration is considered either racial or biased. It amazes me how people who never watch Fox can be so critical of it. Hmmmm, suppose they just heard someone else's opinion and repeated it.
  7. twinimini

    twinimini I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Yucatan, the criticism of Fox is so rampant but yet the so called mainstream media gets a bye for all their BS.

    Nothing is more obvious of that than the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin trial. Zimmerman was referred to as a "white Hispanic" by the CNN's and NBC's of the media world. Yet they refer to Obama as being our first black president when he is half black. The efforts of the CNN's was to create a black/white conflict when it wouldn't draw nearly the interest as a Hispanic/black incident. The same goes true for their characterization of Obama as being black, when after all, he is not black, but a mulatto. I guess referring to him as a mulatto would not create the picture that they wanted to create.

    When the Zimmerman trial was on our televisions we had the pleasure of seeing Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton bemoaning the racism of America. However, when a white Aussie student is gunned down by white hating black teenagers, there is the sound of silence from Jesse and Al. We can add to that the 88 year old World War II vet beaten to death by two black teenagers in Spokane or the 13 month old baby killed by two black teenagers in Georgia. Did the mainstream media pick up on the obvious racism of Al and Jesse? Of course not. Racism for them is only a white on black crime, never black on white. Sorry guys, but racism is just plain wrong, no matter who practices it.

    The CNN's and NBC's love to brand Fox as the "Tea Party News" and then label that group as being gun toting, Bible thumping ninnies. Hmmmm, a bit of profiling there isn't it? But you see, just like Jesse and Al, there is the truth as they see it and the truth as they want others to see it. As Bruce said earlier in this thread, if you say something often enough people will start to believe it.
  8. Restling

    Restling I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    Yes nearly every anchor on msnbc wanted the administration jailed for war crimes. I watch them all the time. As for the "so called wmd's"

    Bush probably listened to these guys too much. [ame=]Democrats, WMD's & The Iraq War - YouTube

    Claiming that Fox is for just a bunch of rednecks shows too much liberal bias in my opinoin. I watch msnbc a lot, and listen to conservatives on the radio. Giving one side a blank check, and not cast doubt is how we get terrible Presidents like Obama, and Secretaries of State like Clinton. We could do so much better.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2017
  9. Lenni & Jodie

    Lenni & Jodie The Unicorn Hunters Registered Member

    Jan 31, 2012
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    +26 / 2
    The two furthest things from the truth... and they call themselves reporters?

    Fox News
    [ame=]Daily Show On Why Fox News Hates The US Constitution - YouTube

    [ame=]Jon Stewart on Crossfire - YouTube
  10. Restling

    Restling I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    Stewart is an ambulance chasing Monday morning quarterback. All he does it make "hilarious observations" of what everybody knows, or should know. The government is f'ed up. He simple sticks his finger in the air to judge the popular wind of dissatisfaction, and plays to that crowd. He never offers real solutions to problems, but likes to appear as the smartest guy in the room.

    How he is even considered a news person is beyond me, and a telling part of the problem of the way we look at government. Facts be damned, get a good laugh, and move on. Basically style over substance.

    He is an entertainer, and should be labeled as such.

    Do people who jump on the hating fox bandwagon even realize that Obama chose not to read the bomber his rights, and Obama has been apart of wiretapping, IRS abuse, and other constitutional questional moves? Te one sides Fox News attack while leaving out facts or other networks like msnbc that do the same thing make the argument irrevilant.
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