tHIS WEEK END WAS BRUTAL thing is the last group H&H is in Cancun now. There was a 24 hour period with nothing .. I need my entertainment Hind site,, the TO party should have been posted here,, forums are so much easier to navigate ,, FB ,, you have 1 pinned post , then everything gets burryed,,,, It,s like a chapterless book .
Ok Steve. I win. I said i think this Forum is quiter b/c of Facebook. I got on facebook b/c of Toronto party only. Never had fb account before. It was busy on the party page and in your group. Checked back here a few times, days between posts. I wish it was all here on this forum. I agree with Donald on navigation. But i will admit that fb is much easier for photos or links. Thank you again Steve for making it possible for all the TTR fans to keep in touch