Bacon in the morning is the only problem we have ever had. I love the Rib eye at Margaritas at night its awesome. Only wish they ad AC.
The food & Service have always been excellent. Never had a problem. I think Ya'll are a Bit obsessed with Bacon. I am still crying because they took away the Waffle Maker...
There's bacon? I demand photographic evidence! I know they put an empty pan on the buffet each morning, but to automatically assume it's to hold bacon is a bit of a stretch I think.
I think they have a daily bacon allowance. Seriously. After the customers have eaten that amount of bacon, it no longer gets restocked. We were there during the exact same week as Jeff and Brent above and I think that we ended up at the buffet a little earlier than they did each day. We'd eat between 9-10 usually. We had a consistent supply of bacon. You would have to sort of watch for it while you're standing in line for the omelet tho. Then have your wife hold the spot in the omelet line while you swooped in for a double share of bacon to share with her. They would bring out a new bucket and the vultures would swoop and it would be empty in literally 2 minutes. Just have to be on it.
Hahaha yes there is some obsession with the bacon. But don't worry I eat other things as well. See (My fat @ss at 100 chicken wings): Thanks you to everyone that responded thus far, it is great to hear I shouldn't have any concerns.
I have never thought of a correlation between crowd and food, but as I think back, I believe the best food was when it was the most crowded. I KNOW the sex was better but I think the food was too.
"Daily bacon allowance" how this thread turned into us expressing our collective love for bacon.
We were there for a few of the same days. I love my bacon while on vacation! On the mornings when the bacon was out or there were only scraps on the buffet, I went up to the grill cook and asked for some...once they promptly refilled the bacon bin on the buffet and twice they gave me bacon on a plate from the kitchen. Ask and you may receive! (Edit: Unless the daily bacon allowance is in effect...didn't know about that.) (Mrs.) Dreamers