Still don't think it is the rota virus. Sanitation issue, yes. But it is coming from the food and sanitation issues around that. Multiple people have gone to the doctor and are not being told it is rota virus, but are being told it is a food issue. One guy was told it is a parasite. Also if the rota virus is contagious like that, still thinking that isn't it because my son is not sick at all. My husband and I both were sick and are around him since the day we got back. He has drank after me and everything because sometimes he is fast regardless how much I try to keep him from it lol
You know he isn't going there to eat I think he eats most meals at the buffet as well. I think Steve was going to disown me on our last night cause I promised Elyse I would take her to the Italian restaurant for dinner. (in retrospect I wish I would have listened to him)
Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) is an antibiotic that we used to get a Rx for before traveling outside the country for "traveler's diarrhea ". If foodborne it can usually fix it within 48 hours. Yes, you can get it at the pharmacy across the street. Thank you for reminding me to pack what we still have.
I have decided to bring several industrial size rolls of Saran Wrap and protect myself by wrapping myself up like a mummy. Also since several have stated it is not rota or other virus I will also not eat or drink anything either. Fun, fun, fun! Anybody want to join me???
I feel really sorry for the people that had their vacation ruined by this!!! What a downer. I've only had good food since the reno, and not had food poisoning ever at TTR since 2011.
Sea Flirt and Amore were both closed for dinner tonight. Hope everything else is cleared up. Have to eat somewhere.