FM3 Time Again!! The BS Never Stops.

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by mixz1, Oct 29, 2007.

  1. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    Sam - If you get your FM3 based on marriage to a Mexican you basically can't be kicked out of the country, even if you run afoul of INM. If you get it based on Rentista they can give you more shit. Basically INM is much easier on people who are married to Mexicans. So if I were you I would show the money as your wife's and you as her dependant.

    You might also want to consider whether an FM2 is better for you than an FM3. If you want to get Citizenship eventually go for the FM3 based on marriage, you will qualify the quickest. If you want to end up with the Mexican equivalent of Permanent Residency then go for the FM2 first.

    The FM2 Inmigrado (permanent residency) allows you to work anywhere and live here permanently, but you can't vote. It takes 5 years before you can get the Inmigrado status.

    Hope this helps.
  2. SamCancun

    SamCancun Guru Registered Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    Thanks Rivergirl, that's good to know. My problem is that the money hasn't been paid into my wifes bank yet, as she was in the UK before her account got closed for not being used so we used her mothers! I think i'd be better off waiting until I get a few months of pay into my wifes account, going to belize for a few days, coming back and then starting the whole process then, what do yout think?

    Also, if I show the money as my wifes, won't they start asking her questions about where it's coming from and trying to tax us??

    Also, if i go for the FM3 and get citezenship, does that mean i get a Mexcian passport and also get to keep my British passport or do i stop being British?
  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    No need to give up your British passport Sam. It does take quite a few years on FM3 first to become eligible to apply for Mexican citizenship though.
  4. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    If you get your FM3 based on marriage then you are eligible to become Mexican after 2 years. If you get your FM3 as a rentista then it takes 5 years.
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