FM3 and Vehicle Import Permit - Direct from Banjercito

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by mixz1, Jul 17, 2007.

  1. mixz1

    mixz1 Guest

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    As a result of the back and forth on this forum I was preparing to drive down and renew my Vehicle Import Permit. I called to find out what was needed and was told I didn't need to renew, even if I was crossing state lines inside the entire nation. I asked them to put it in writing, they told me to fill out a web request and below is the message I received in return:

    From: []
    Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 11:41 AM
    Subject: Re: Este correo fue el resultado de la forma Contáctenos IITV Nombre - XXXXXXXXX

    Estimada Sr. XXXXXXXXX
    De acuerdo al articulo 106 de la Ley Aduanera

    Regla 3.2.6

    Le comento lo siguiente:

    La vigencia del permiso de importación temporal del vehiculo se acreditara con el documento oficial que emita la autoridad migratoria, sin que se requiera autorización de las autoridades aduaneras. En este caso el permiso de importación temporal se mantendrá vigente aun cuando el importador haya obtenido cambio en la calidad migratoria de no inmigrante a inmigrante rentista, siempre que exista continuidad en las calidades migratorias.

    A efecto que no se hagan efectivas las garantías otorgadas en los términos de esta regla, a las personas a las que se refiere el párrafo anterior que obtengan la prorroga, ampliación o refrendo a su calidad migratoria, así como quienes hubieran cambiado a una calidad migratoria de las señaladas en el articulo 106 fracción IV, inciso a) de la Ley, deberán presentar en formato libre un aviso en el que hagan constar dicha circunstancia, dentro de los 15 días hábiles siguientes a aquel en el que les hubiera sido otorgada la prorroga, ampliación, refrendo o cambio de calidad migratoria, anexando copia del comprobante de dicho tramite , así como del permiso de importación temporal del vehiculo y en su caso la tarjeta de internacion , en forma personal en cualquiera de las 48 aduanas del pías.

    O bien puede comunicarse con nosotros para cualquier duda a los telefonos 011-52-55-53-28-23-29 ò 011-52-55-56-26-05-03 en la Cd. de México.

    Esperando que esta información le sea de gran utilidad, quedamos a sus órdenes.

    In other words the Import Permit automatically renews with the FM3 and is good for the entire nation, not only Q. Roo. You only need to get a new permit if you leave Mexico with the vehicle and then bring it back in. Nevertheless, I would keep a bilingual copy of Article 106 in the glovebox. I'm glad I saved myself the drive and a couple of greenbacks. Hopefully you will too.
  2. Karl

    Karl Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 16, 2006
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    I am in the same boat. Thanks for the info.
  3. Alma Libre

    Alma Libre Regular Registered Member

    Jan 28, 2007
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    Puerto Morelos
    +0 / 0

    This is opposite of everything we have heard, and we just crossed the Q. Roo border back in May on our way back up north and they wanted to see my vehicle permit.

    They did not even check my FM3 there, just the vehicle permit.

    We were not asked for the vehicle permit anywhere else all the way up to the Mex/US border.
  4. mixz1

    mixz1 Guest

    +0 / 0
    Re: bizarro

    Indeed, and if you don't have it or the windshield hologram has been damaged or missing, you need to get a new one. They are not saying you don't need the permit. Nor are they saying they won't check to see if you have one. What they are saying is that once you have it, the permit need not be renewed as long as your immigration credentials are current.

    Besides the email from Banjercito, do a Google on Article 106 and you will come up with site after site, from travel clubs, consular offices and Mexican attorneys that echo the above statements. If you have a Vehicle Importation Permit and your FM is current the Importation Permit renews automatically with your FM, without additional fee or paperwork, period.

    The "free zone" baloney that circulates in Q. Roo seems to perpetuate the myth that your permit is only good in Q. Roo if it's past its expiry. Post this identical question on the Merida discussion forum and you get 100% agreement with what is stated in Article 106 and specific replies by people who have been crossing the Yucatan-Q. Roo aduana station with 5, 10 and 15 year old stickers.
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