FM2 needed for vehicle license in Quintana Roo?

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Jim in Cancun, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

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  2. Isla Zina

    Isla Zina Regular Registered Member

    Feb 3, 2007
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    Migracion basically closes for the year in a few days. I am sure he well get back to you ASAP, but email him again. Basically, he can't start anything for you until the second week of the New Year, as a practical matter. He is great on the phone. Try calling back.
  3. bncancun

    bncancun Regular Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2006
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    Richaard, I am having the same problem with another lawyer. I can't get him to call me back and it has taken 4 months to renew my FM3 that I have had for 6 years. Now I have to start all over again.
    You would think these guys would want refferals and return business.
  4. mixz1

    mixz1 Guest

    +0 / 0
    We have been clients of Mauricio Mendoza for several years. This year from hello to goodbye was exactly 10 days. One visit to sign preprinted prorogas, hand over passports, FM3s and of course money. Second visit to pay the rest and pick up everything. Mauricio is very reliable, courteous and efficient.

    That being said, nothing happens with La Migra during the holiday season, and if Mauricio is taking some personal time he deserves it. Call until you can speak with him, set up an appointment and let him do the rest.
  5. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    Got this link about the need for an FM-2:
    Please see #1469 onward. Seems this new law went into effect 1/1/08. You can get a "prestanombre" now for your plates too.

    Seems it's just come to light this fall.
  6. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    I'm the one that started recommending Mauricio Mendoza on this forum.

    Without exception, every single person I know of that has hired him has been happy.

    The only complaints I ever heard were from people who didn't hire him because he wanted too much money. And without exception, every single one of those people had a complex case and ended up in a struggle with INM.

    Mauricio was a sub-delegado at the Centro INM office for 6 years. He has many connections there and knows exactly what they will and will not approve. He is conservative in that he recommends what will work and will be approved, even if something simpler or nicer is technically legal. He always steers clients down the most expedient path toward success.

    If he's not calling you back I imagine he lost your number. If he's not emailing you back I imagine his dog ate his computer. He's a responsible guy and I've never heard anyone else complain that he was unresponsive. Best advice is to try again.
  7. heatandsun

    heatandsun Guest

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    I just want to chime in and say that I am one happy customer of Mauricio, and yes, he is conservative and was prepared for things just in case it was required (it wasn't, but he was prepared). He explained everything to me and never made me feel rushed. Well worth the fee, in my opinion! Thanks to this forum (and RiverGirl) for providing the contact information.

  8. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Mauricio is certainly still around, he accompanied us to Immigration yesterday. That was for me to sign my FM2 and provide thumbprints. That is the only trip I will have to make to immigration and I was in and out in 15 minutes.

    All our dealings with him (minimal since he does all the work) have been efficient and timely. I suspect if there has been a communication breakdown for anyone then there is probably a rational explanation. I'd get in touch with him again and pick things up again from there.
  9. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Might well have come into effect on Jan 1st but they certainly weren't enforcing it in March in Cancun. Nothing new there though :)
  10. Mellow_in_Puerto Morelos

    Mellow_in_Puerto Morelos Guest

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    Yes, it is true. Under a new law passed this year and recently implemented, in order to get or renew your Mexican vehicle registration you must now have a FM2. A Fm3 is no longer sufficient. This is not a rumor..It is a fact based on a recent attempt by my neighbor to renew hers.
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