Just saw this on another message board. Anyone else have the same experience or has it always been that way? "FM2 needed for vehicle license in Quintana Roo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We recently (in Nov 2009)(sic) tried to license a new utility trailer in Chetumal and were told that we must now have an FM2 instead of a FM3 in order to obtain a Mexican license plate. This new rule applies to cars, motorcycles, trucks, and trailers. Residents of Quintana Roo need to be made aware of this new change and the effect that it may have on those of us who currently hold FM3s."
I'm pretty sure that lots and lots of folks here have plated their cars while holding an FM3. So if this is true it's a) New and b) Gonna be a huge pain in the neck for lots of people.
Strike that, I'm not "pretty sure" I'm CERTAIN that lots of folks here with FM3s have cars they bought and plated here in QR.
Our car is under my name and is registered annually under FM3. I wonder though if it ties in to the changes last year re FM2/3. By the time my next registration is due I'll have my FM2 (signed for it today) so it shouldnt be a problem either way for me, but something to check up on if you use an FM3.
Hmmm I wonder who could give us a definitive answer. I don't know why I am so cynical as to think that someone might just make this up as a way to encourage an "arreglo". ----------------- Also "news" today: México, entre países que más sobornan: TI (Mexico among the countries with the most bribery) According to Transparency International, 38% of people point out the propensity of Mexican companies to use personal relationships o relatives to obtain public contracts; 32% said they bribe politicians, parties or government functionaries. Según una encuesta de Transparencia Internacional, el 38% señaló la propensión de las empresas del país a usar las relaciones personales o familiares para obtener contratos públicos; el 32% dijo que sobornan a políticos, partidos o funcionarios
March--And this supposedly happened in November--last month. Curious. I assume that your car is a Mexican-plated car, Steve--that seems to be the situation. For foreign cars it wouldn't make sense to ask people for an FM-2.
fm3 speaking of fm3 and an attorney(?) I've seen recommended here, Maurico I believe. I emailed him 2 times as well as called him and spoke to him once but doesn't seem to follow up. read some great reviews on his services but w/ no follow up I have some concerns. Any advice please.