FM 3 documents

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by CancunCanuck, Apr 10, 2007.

  1. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Cancun. QR, Mexico
    +0 / 0
    Speaking of proper lines, when my flight was boarding yesterday, I was first in line. A lone gunman was standing to the right while the line was queued to the left. I told everyone that could hear me that he was a local and either had no concept of courtesy or no concept of what the hell we were all doing in line but that this was a common practice. And not to dare let him get ahead of them.

    Well about 8 made it before he wedged in.

    When in Rome . . .

    When I don't see tourists, I just join right in with the line crashing. It's not too hard when you are 1.9m and 95.5 kg.
  2. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth Guest

    +0 / 0
    Oh don't worry. I've pushed and shoved my way plenty. You're lucky TJ, the worst is women's bathrooms.
  3. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    +7,269 / 14
    I know it doesnt apply to you Kelly, but since we are on the subject the 2 years is 2 years living here with an FM3.

    I mistakenly thought that last October would be my two year anniversary, however, the first 6 months I was still on an FMT so that didnt count. Any day now will be 2 years with an FM3 so I'll be applying pretty soon too.
  4. jen***

    jen*** Guest

    +0 / 0
    Just a follow up this post.
    Imigration unfortunately denied my friend's fm3 and gave her 15 days to leave.
    Apparently there is a new director in imigration and he is demanding that foreigners have a DEGREE in spanish. She was told that it's not just her (making her application) - she was told the director will go round to all hotels and get ride of people who don't have a degreee - not sure if this applies to hotels only or other businesses.
    These rumours circulate all the time about the spanish requirement but it's the first time I have personally known someone that it's happened to.
    Maybe this is why my fm2 renewal is taking so long!!
    Any comments anyone? I feel so bad for my friend, she lived with me for three months before she got an apartment and she's so upset.
  5. CancunCanuck

    CancunCanuck Guest

    +0 / 0
    Wow, that's frightening! I don't know what I would do if they turned me down, Jorge doesn't have a passport, nor does Max and I haven't got Max's Canadian citizenship done yet. We would be so screwed! Is their an appeal process or do you just have to leave and try again? I'm sure hoping that because I teach English they won't be looking for a Spanish degree. I have been kicked out of Mexico twice, don't want it to happen again, particularly now that I have a Mexican child! I am going in to the office tomorrow to check on my app, will keep you posted on any progress on my end but since Jen has been waiting so long, I don't suspect that I will have any news. Just curious Jen, you said you got your app in at the end of March, when was the expiry and what are they telling you? You also mentioned that you have been calling to check on the status, did they give you a special number? They have always told me that I have to go into the office to check on things, would be great if I could just call.

    I feel terrible for your friend, was this a renewal or a first application? Are they going to go to Belize and try again or are they fed up with the whole thing? What kind of job did she have? I know, full of questions but I am really nervous!
  6. jen***

    jen*** Guest

    +0 / 0
    Hi Kelly,
    Sorry I didn't mean to freak you out, but I am worried as well!
    In my case I gave the papers in on the 20th March which was 2 days prior to it expiring. I was told that was fine to do it so close.
    Once I went back the first time to check they gave me a number and told me to call back between 2 and 4pm. The number was 8813560 and there are three extensions they gave me 32611, 32613 and 32616.
    I tried the Wednesday before Easter and it appeared they had all left for the holidays by 2pm. So then I tried last Monday and noone answered any extension - I then rang the original number again and pressed 0. I explained what I needed and she transferred me to the same extension and of course noone answered! So I rang again and said please don't put me through, I am telling you that noone is answering.
    I then held on for about 10 minutes and finally someone picked up, I gave them my case number and they said it's still in revision and to call back on the Thursday. Which I did, same problem with noone answering and still it's in revision and to call back Wedesday. So I am probably going to go in the morning as well.

    With the case of my friend she was working in the kids club in a hotel and it was her first application for the fm3. I guess we will go to Belize but I can only go with her if I have my fm2 back by then. (or maybe if they throw me out I might have to go !!!) :?
    What is worrying is that they made it sound like they will go round businesses firing people who do not have a degree in Spanish! That sounds a bit crazy!

    I know how you feel Kelly, especially as you have Max. But I wouldn't worry, in your case you would have a good arguement as you have a child. I am worried too, of course now I am married and kids are on the horizen too it seems like they could still tell me to leave at any time.
  7. Drewbert

    Drewbert Guest

    +0 / 0
    Tell your friend to complain to the local TV channel.

    Apparently that's the best way to get wrongs righted around Cancun. It gets on TV, the perpetrator gets publicly outed and the people in power are forced into action.
  8. RiverGirl

    RiverGirl Guest

    +0 / 0
    If you qualify for an FM-3 based on marriage and/or have a Mexican kid I doubt you will get booted. If they are starting to require a Spanish degree it will only be for people getting FM-3s that allow them to work.

    One thing to do is to make sure that even if your FM-3 is through your job that you tell (or better show) them you have a Mexican hubby and/or kid. They do care about that (unlike Immigration in the US which really does specialize in breaking up families).

    There is a lot of crap going on in INM right now, a bunch of bosses have just (in the last 3 or 4 days) been forced to resign. More changes are on the horizon. One agent is wanted and is on the run. Another agent recently got arrested and now they are collecting money to support his wife... It's nuts over there right now.

    CC, seems like it would be prudent to get all those passports in order regardless, you never know when you might want them.
  9. Mellow_in_Puerto Morelos

    Mellow_in_Puerto Morelos Guest

    +0 / 0
    I just completed my fm3 (retirement) rebewal for year number 4 and it was by far the worst experience ever. I used the same paperwork format as I have very year including my bank statement in Spanish showing my deposits. I was informed that the statement had to be translated. I said "it's already in Spanish" and was told that I had to have a certified translator do it. Off to a translator and 350 pesos later I returned with the docs. From that point it took 3 more weeks to pickup my FM3. I got the same run around with that telephone number mentioned earlier. They never seem to answer it.

    On another note and even worse, I went yesterday to the new Aduyana/Banjerto office in Puerto Juarez and was informed that they no longer do vehicle permit renewals. The closest place is now CHETUMAL!!!!! Guess I'll hop a bus down and renew it. It's totally insane to have discontinued this. The lady did say that it might possibly change back in the future and to call next year before I head to Chetumal.
  10. Life_N_Cancun

    Life_N_Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    Immigration here has never been fun.... but now its getting down right scary. A "degree"? Just what is that supposed to mean? Passing a local test, or do they expect us to go to Harvard for 4 years and get a Spanish Degree? :shock:

    Have these new bosses in INM even read the immigration law?

    I certainly hope this is just a phase. If only one of us could get the attention of CNN or some other major news outlet, to put the spotlight on how hypocritical and anti foreigner things are getting here. I hate to say it, but its starting to look like "Life_N_Cancun" might need to change to "A_Little_While_N_Cancun" :roll:
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