curv do explain ure avator s'vous plait, oh looks like me my brother and 2 friends will be headed up for the grand prix, going to be a grid girl this year?
mi dispiace dennis, would love to but the week before ill be in mtl, just went to vegas before that italy,
greetings Ant - what are the dates for the grand prix this year ? (am obviously not doign the flag thing this year either) hey - do you have a cousin that works out at Energie cardio on Lacordaire and Des Grandes Prairies? as for the avatar........don't you think they look good?!
8,9,10 weekend no jean baptiste day this year quite possibly i know my cousins wife jogs alot and ive seen her carry a cardio energie bag before ill pm u looks like there having a grand old time lol
MIAMI...............SOUTH BEACH, JUNE 14-17................................ DONT BE THE ONES THAT MISS OUT ON THE PARTY OF THE SUMMER!
So? I went to Fort Lauderdale in Sept, Orlando and Tampa in October, Chicago in November, Skiing in December and January, Cancun in March, will go to Myrtle Beach in May, Montreal in May, South Beach in June, and wherever else the wind blows in July. It would be okay if you just said you think we're a bunch of @ssholes and don't want to be stuck with us for 3 days.