Man Flu You'll be fine, don't panic !!!....if all fails plenty try brandy or scotch and hot nights of sex (helps sweat it out...if it doesn't work, think of the fun !)...if all fails, put yourself on standby for a Boobs won't even notice you have a cold :huepfen013:. p.s. I suspect funerals are cheaper in Cancun, look on the positive side.... it will be the best send off you'll ever have .... Get well soon :lotsofmichaelfs:
In that case, definitely OD on whole oranges (ok, not the peel!). lol Literally 10 a day! Plus the zinc lots have mentioned
When I used to wait tables, one of the cooks told me to get lemonade and squeeze a ton of fresh lemons in it, then warm it in the microwave and drink it. It helps a ton. It numbs the throat and you get a ton of vitamin C. Melissa
I think u r lucky ten days is long enough time to recover I m sure u will up and running in 5 to 6 days thts how long it last