I have to wonder about all the hype about the supposed fiscal cliff. For most people their taxes will go up about $2,000 a year or less than $40 a week. Is that really going to change someone's lifestyle drastically? Wouldn't it be great if they couldn't reach an agreement and nothing bad happened? Just think, both parties would have their major themes tanked. The Republicans wouldn't be able to boast that tax cuts are the only way to save the country and the Democrats would have to admit that you can't spend yourself into prosperity. Wow, wouldn't that be a great way to start the new year!
What scares the folks most right now I think is the budget cuts that come along with going over the cliff... $50 Billion in Defense and $50 Billion in Domestic. Everyone keep focusing on the defense cuts yelling "Yeah, go get them!" but forget about the domestic cuts that come along with that. Prediction Alert!!!!!! I'm guessing the biggest cut will come from SS and the Dems will blame the Repubs saying it's all their fault that we went over the cliff because they didn't want to cut taxes on their billionaire friends. But even with $100 Billion in cuts, we'll still run a deficit of $900 Billion a year. Even if we scraped the DOD we'd be running a deficit of $400 Billion a year with millions unemployed. Ain't enough tax money on the table to cover that even if you took it all. Like it or not, the government cannot pay everyone's bills for everything. As Obama likes to say, "The math just doesn't work." Jamie
I don't know if they really can tackle SS without the fallout being so severe that no one has the guts to make the call. Benefits need to be capped, the maximum needs to go up, and things like disability have to be tightened. I don't see anyone out there from either party that has the testosterone to bring that one up. I wonder what it would take for Washington to look at all programs and see which ones work and which ones don't. Most of the programs have expanded so much and so rapidly that there is little or no oversight. Sadly everyone is out there saying tax the other guy but not me. Cut the other guy's benefits but not mine. Gouge someone else, but not me. I really am beginning to wonder if we will survive with the prevailing political climate being what it is.