First Week Trip Report

Discussion in 'Temptation Resort Reviews' started by Tyler and Angie, Aug 31, 2017.

  1. Len from the Floor

    Len from the Floor Addict Registered Member

    Jun 29, 2014
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    NOT wanting to start a political shit storm...I hope everyone gets the humor....I simply could not resist.

    Apparently, Melania Trump has a pair of spiked heels that she thought would be ok in the water. :):)
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  2. FakeNewsTeam

    FakeNewsTeam It's a matter of time, but time is all we have! Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    Start practicing your ballet and get those toes in shape!
  3. FakeNewsTeam

    FakeNewsTeam It's a matter of time, but time is all we have! Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    +4,599 / 13
    Hey like the new Avatar!
  4. vacationfun2

    vacationfun2 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Thank you very much. The infrastructure issues are not easily fixed.
  5. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Thanks for the fantastically detailed trip report!

    I know many think I'm over defensive of the hotel, but I disagree that they opened too early. It's very easy to go from one room to another and check the AC, the hot/cold water etc one by one. But it's not so easy to stress test. When 200 rooms all switch the air con on at the same time and have it running constantly, when 50 taps/showers are running at once and a toilet somewhere is being flushed every 10 seconds it's a whole new ball game. That's why the prices were 45% discounted.

    We arrived on opening day (3rd couple to check in) and changed rooms three times ourselves. First room was way back in the garden view maze and the room was hot. I wasn't sure if the A/C had only just been switched on (after all it was only 7:45am on opening day, but it was set at 14.5C and it was about 30C) or if it wasn't working, but I didn't like the location. Second room was OV by the quiet pool but we never saw that as we upgraded to Premier and was given a room in the tower. Our luggage got lost somewhere along the way but was located and delivered within 30 minutes.

    Our tower room from the outset had both hot/cold water and aircon. I think the third day the hot water stopped but we still had cold (which isn't really a huge problem for me, since in Cancun it is never really "cold" like home). TV worked fine, shutters worked fine. I did hear of many people having issues with various things mainly a/c and water but after about day 3 or 4 the problems were largely fixed I think and remaining problems were isolated. I think those have all been resolved now, and we're still only two weeks since opening.

    Re Ents staff. I was sceptical myself at the beginning by the sheer number of them and also by their young age. By the end of our trip I was very happy with their enthusiasm, willingness to chat, mingle and boundless energy - especially as for several of them it was their first foray into that field of work. I think they suit the new hotel perfectly. Out of the 17, I think a few will leave, a few will be hangers on for their contract term and a few will become 'legends'. As much as I love the old school, Chinos, Omar and Sara et al (so much so they work for me on the Boobs Cruise) I don't feel they would quite fit the new hotel.

    Re the Boobs Cruise, so glad you enjoyed it in spite of the rain :). It was our first big one for a year and although I don't think any customers noticed there were a bunch of things I was not happy with myself.

    We requested our usual crew but due to some internal politics we ended up with a new Captain, 2 of our usual crew and the rest were new to us and not familiar with the Boobs Cruise. The rest of our usual crew were sent out on different boats despite wearing our uniform. We were doing a photo shoot that day for our new flyers (remember the drone?) and I wanted all my regular crew in their best uniform for the photos. Some of the newbie crew had old tatty/dirty/non matching T shirts, they flew the Canadian flag upside down, didn't put our boobs cruise banner on the boom, drinks service was slower than I'd have liked, they used throwaway cups instead of the better quality hard plastic glasses we should now be using, there was only one ladies bathroom open when there should have been two, the one that was open was not inspected and cleaned as it should have been. Jannet opened a second bathroom herself and cleaned them both. Check in was too slow. We've had meetings and emails have been flying back and forth, the problems were all fixed for our second boobs cruise 5 days later and proper service has been resumed.

    I guess, by bringing the boobs cruise into this what I'm trying to say is after a long break and a re-start there will be things that will not go perfectly. But a responsible owner will seek to address the problems as quickly as possible and ensure that the service expected is indeed delivered. I noticed several higher ups at the hotel constantly seeking feedback and addressing problems as and when they arose. Anyone notice the huge aircon unit on the back of a flat bed truck in the parking lot that arrived on Day Two? Noisy as hell but did a temporary job while a permanent solution was worked on. You also mentioned the fans added in Bash on day 2 or 3, a mutual friend of ours suggested that to the owner and the next day there they were.

    From what I'm hearing now, things are much better than those first few days (although personally I had few issues myself). There always has to be a first week and if it wasn't two weeks ago, it might have been two weeks or two months from now and similar issues would have arose.

    Once again, thanks for your great trip report. No criticism of it whatsoever.
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    Last edited: Sep 1, 2017
  6. DennisandErica

    DennisandErica Addict Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2011
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    I was very impressed with how much was done in such short of a time. We had no ac or water pressure in our room the first day. We moved the second, but I don't even consider this an issue. We went back to see people we have met in the past, and also to meet new people. The people are absolutely what makes that place!!! I am so glad that I saw so many familiar faces!!!! That is the one thing I was most worried about that there would be a lot of new staff. Don't get me wrong, I WANT ac and water! It was taken care of, so over all I was a happy camper! We hate it so much we are heading back in February for trip number 13, I think.... And Steve, we had a blast on the Boobs Cruise!!!! Never a bad time! Miss you all!!!

    I guess one thing I do have to say that made me uncomfortable was when I went back to room to use the bathroom, housekeeping was in there and also a security person was going through all our things. I asked if there was a problem and they said no and asked then if it was ok if he was ruffling through my stuff. What was I suppose to say!? I said no, peed and left. Never had that done before.
  7. Tyler and Angie

    Tyler and Angie Guru Registered Member

    Sep 18, 2015
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    @Steve , I agree 100% with you about the resort. I didn't wan to get too long in the tooth with my descriptions. Not having hot water didn't bother us at all, although when we got it, it was like a Christmas morning!! LOL We didn't spend our time bitching, we spent it getting drunk and making friends, seeing old friends and a few conversations with you at the BAR.
    Tyler pointed out the HUGE A/C unit on the flatbed to me one day when we headed over to AHORA to get supplies. We saw Owners/Management walking around constantly. They were definitely aware of the situation and workers were on everything immediately trying to workout how to correct or fix. Tyler suggested some type of gutter over the front of RAIN to capture the water and channel it. Probably wouldn't have fit in with the design.
    I'm always concerned when things I love change, ie: if your hubby starts to workout and changes his look, he's probably having an affair kinda feeling. Later in this thread I gave a description of a restaurant we loved and how it closed. I know they're not closing or changing but it definitely felt Strange to be there. But I guess with everything new, you just have to adapt.
    There were other Great aspects I didn't mention. I love the new Lobby Bar!!! How smart was that? It's in a great location and now when your waiting on your transfer you have a great place to sit and have a drink. The overall concept and look is Very modern and was unique to look at for sure.
    I guess my overall assessment is that the resort will be fantastic once it's finished. I noticed there were several areas still under construction that will be areas that weren't discussed including the old Cigar Bar. We went over and looked at it. They put a roof on it and were working on it the entire time we were there, not sure what it will become. There were several other spaces near the Asian restaurant that were under construction. Not sure if they'll be public spaces or offices. Overall I give it a B+ with the ability to become an A-A+.
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  8. Bart & Ahnji

    Bart & Ahnji Enthusiast Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2014
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    I would have blown a gasket. Any explanation of what he was doing?
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  9. Mark and Staci

    Mark and Staci I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 7, 2012
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    Always appreciate honest reviews. Gives people a general idea of what to expect (even if experiences can vary). No need to recant your experience to soothe the masses. :)

    We all love going to TTR, but at least for me and my wife, we still understand that we are paying for certain expectations and, expect to receive them. Thats not unreasonable :)

    They will get things worked out, and we will all have more great times at TTR....... but to not test the basic necessities before opening, is to me, not very professional.

    58 days!!!!
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2017
  10. Chad Carpenter

    Chad Carpenter Newbie Registered Member

    Aug 20, 2017
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    I did not care for that guy as well, he tried to hard and seemed full of himself.
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