First timers, wife getting nervous, any other newbies first week in January

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by nyc2011, Dec 17, 2010.

  1. Fredmgill

    Fredmgill Guru Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2010
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    Upstate New York
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    We too are much like you, we enjoy vacationing with our kids but also like to take romantic vacations by ourselves. We usually take a yearly cruise. My wife does not drink and I am a moderate drinker so we are not much into the bar scene. She was quite hesitant when I suggested Temptations but was willing to give it a try. Our maiden voyage was in October. As Jen&Kyle suggested, we spent the first couple of days on the beach observing what was going on at the Sexy Pool. By mid week we were venturing around and into the Sexy Pool. By the last couple of days, we were right in the midst of the action in the Sexy Pool. As they say, when in Rome... In our defense, there was a specific "Doctor and Nurse" there who perscribed a certain whipped cream treatment, who are we to disobey Dr.'s orders :)
    All in all, this was the best vacation of our lives. To describe the resort and experience in one word I would say Sensuous. There is a romantic aura throughout the entire resort that we have never found anywhere else. We are planning to return again in October, the hardest part now is waiting.
    Good Luck, I'm sure you will have the time of your lives.
  2. nyc2011

    nyc2011 Guest

    +0 / 0
    Vacation begins in 2 weeks

    Thanks everyone for th
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2011
  3. Pete&Angie

    Pete&Angie Enthusiast Registered Member

    Dec 3, 2010
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    Nervous? Really, don't stress yourself out...

    Have to admit, we were a bit nervous in the beginning too but a lil liquid courage and some prompting from another couple (you know who you are... :whisper:) & we were good to go!


  4. jnlil83

    jnlil83 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    My wife and I went for our first trip back in 2005, my wife about freaked out when "I" booked this trip. She is (was) a very conservative person, who would've never considered participating in the games or going topless. By the second day, the top was off, and we were in the middle of every activity we possibly could. We will be there the first week of January for out third trip. TTR is a place were you can have fun, party and meet great people. We met some of our best friends here on our 2nd trip and can't wait to meet more people and have fun! Im sure you will too! As quoted above remember "Nobody Knows You, And Nobody Gives A Shit! " :)
  5. GentlemanJm

    GentlemanJm Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jul 21, 2010
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    Great Question.

    I went single and everyone was cool. I'm always a Gentleman and most of the single guys are too. I met a wonderful lady, Delicious, yah ya know who ya are!!, and she was soo much fun. You will meet wonderful people, or just hang out at the quiet pool.
    It is also very much fun in the jacquizzi's about sundown, lol, i'm not tellin.
    Just go and be yourself, and have fun. Walk away if you want to do something else.
  6. GentlemanJm

    GentlemanJm Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jul 21, 2010
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    Ooops, I forgot the body shots at the sexxy pool bar, dang ladies were drinking too much, ha.
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