I think it was a touch shorter than Kyle’s response on a different thread.... Per the OP thread. I do all of the trip planning in our family. My wife is a big introvert, so without my pushing we would likely do nothing very exciting to me. I gave her an idea of what it was like, and it’s been fine. My thought is, couples that have surprise problems in this area, probably already have some “couple issues”. I think this will work. I hope.
Communication is the key! If there is no communication at home before going there will most likely be none afterwards...or maybe quite a bit!
Touché Just the facts baby, just the facts. This will be fun. When do we have to wait until to see how this plays out? Edit: damn it, next year. Will some one else try this sooner so we can have another case study to dive into.
I think we will be there at the same time so I will do my duty and truthfully report the news to you sir!
Or... Go one better! Take somebody elses spouse / significant other, and don't tell either of them! That might really get interesting.
I'd agree with this, from the point of view of running the Boobs Cruise. We've had a few couples "surprise" their spouse and it hasn't worked out well. Not only does it sometimes not work out well for the couple involved it can also put a dampener on the day for other guests, no one wants to be around an arguing/miserable couple. On a couple of occasions we've dumped them at lunch time and arranged for them to return on the regular boat.
Hi and I really do appreciate your comments, you are absolutely right in what you have said. I have thought about this long and hard and believe me its not the first time hubby has been the recipient of an "interesting surprise" can't talk about them on here though!!!! If I though it would in any way freak him out I wouldn't be even thinking about it, but he is a fun guy and will love it. Cruise, well I will tell him the truth on the Thursday. If he cant take it well I'm going anyway he can stay by the quiet pool xxx
Good thinking! like it and your right. We don't have any issues together at all He will be loving it !