We give the time share "that look" that tells them don't bother...we've been here before! Then head straight to the bar at the sexy pool for shots and to meet our peeps! Jeff n Jill
I don't understand why the time share people try to catch people's attention when they check in - surely if you're new you've not even had a chance to have a proper look around, so chances of signing a timeshare there and then must be near to 0%? Those who join I'd assume at least spend a few days falling in love with the place first?
We just went for our first time over Labor Day... as soon as we got there we grabbed drinks by the quiet pool and then made the mistake of heading to the beach to relax... After about 10 minutes we looked at each other and said, "Fuck this, it's boring", and headed straight to the sexy pool. Next time we'll skip the beach and go straight for the action.
Unless we get our same room as this time... In which case I think we may need a shower before heading to the sexy pool... :aktion031:
Actually, we start abit earlier in the van...it always makes the trip from the airport to TTR go by faster I think the drivers like the view as a tip rather than $$$. Once we arrive we tip the front desk to get a street view room (the sun shines on that side) pull a bed out onto the balcony and well...leave it there!
I'd be up for that... especially with the shade up. I really do enjoy giving the excursion guys a show. :bj:
We usually grab a drink then catch shuttle to resort. Once we get in the room I drop the luggage flip on channel twelve (while getting naked) and chase her around. I usually wear her out she then relents onto the bed. Once the bizness is done and our room christened we both throw on our swim bottoms run to the sexy pool, jump in (washing off sex) and wade our way to the pool bar. From there.....it's kinda of a blurr.