OMG ... the worst is making new best friends the night before ... having a great time with them and parting, and then seeing them the next day and having a total stranger walk up to you and give you a big hug and start talking where the conversation left off the night before ... I have been totally clueless!!!! LOL! Sometimes I can play it off, and other tiems I have to come clean and tell them that I don't remember ever meeting/talking with them ... I have had some interesting conversations at that point! LOL
I resemble that remark. Our first time st BBG I'm told I had an in depth discussion that I have no recollection of. My last memory of the first night was heading down the beach with three girls. Woke up the next morning missing my sandals and a smile on my face.
See, there's another motivator to pace myself. I'd hate to have to "re-make" friends. I CAN do this! Now, let's just see if I actually do.
Haha...what Jason fails to mention is that this was our second trip and also the second time he passed out early on the first night. On our first trip he was passed out by 8:00 and we missed lingerie night, service, channel 12, and I had a nice little evening. lol We'll be back in August...I hope we don't make the first night curse a three-peat! :icon_biggrin: Jackie p.s. Love you, Honey! I'll wash sand off your nekked buttocks anyday!
Glenn and I are headed back in may so we will get to meet you two as well. Looking forward to drinking and partying.
the first day curse got me... but not until day 3! guess i was so proud that i handled myself the first 2 days, i forgot to pace myself and eat food on day 3. oops! ended up missing school girl night very sad. don't worry, you'll do great! and have a blast!! ~karyn
i am dreading this years first day as i know i will not make it.....iwork late on friday only giving me 4-5 hrs sleep and then up all day sat as i am to excited and busy cleaninfg and spending time with the kids to have a nap and then off to the airport at 200 and up till sun when i get ko'd.The last time we did this it was 36 of no sleep and crashed hard and missed the first night.All is good tho as there are 7 other nights to make up for it. Bring on the red bull and vodka oj.great idea backs13
Well, we get there like 4 hours before check-in, lol. If they have Jameson I might be a victim of the curse. But most likely I'll be sampling the fruity drinks. (which might be worse than the Jamo, I dunno). So bottom line is... I (the Mr) will be hammered the first night.
No doubt I'll get drunk the first day. I know my habits too well. I just hope it doesn't happen until late that first night. e