Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by T.J., Apr 10, 2007.

  1. T.J.

    T.J. I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Cancun. QR, Mexico
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    Today, was a very rewarding day for me. As those of you living in Cancun know, and those of you may not know, two firemen lost their lives recently in a fire at Plaza Las Americas. Firefighters here make wages that are akin to those paid to trash collectors, substandard even in Mexico for the risks that they take daily.

    My friend Eddie, a retired firefighter, and I decided to do what we could to help. We started raising money to be given to the families of these heroes. We also sought donations of used firefighting equipment from fire departments in the U.S.

    Both Eddie and I travel back and forth regularly to the U.S. and he recently returned with the a large suitcase filled with "gear" which was given to the Director of the Cancun Fire Dept. He has more equipment in Florida that we plan to bring on subsequent trips. It is our hope that the donated equipment, the most basic items really, will free up enough budget to allow the Cancun Fire Department to purchase equipment that most certainly would have saved these two lives.

    The fund raising raised approximately $1,000 dollars and this was given to the families today, in equal amounts. Today, with the help of my friends, Jen and Juan Carlos, we met Cinthia, the widow of Firefighter Roberto, and one of his two beautiful daughters. Juan Carlos is a relative of Roberto and handled the translation for us. There were a few tears shed but I cannot explain in words the emotion that filled the room. Juan Carlos operates a great restaurant, TACOS ARABES ISRAEL, on Yaxchilan, just to the right of Perico's. I know he would appreciate your visit to enjoy his wonderful food.

    Later, with the help of friend Nancy, who operates the used bookstore on Coba, almost next to La Creperia, we were able to meet Lidia, the mother, as well as the young sister of Firefighter Raul. Lidia is a hairdresser in a remote area west of Centro. Eddie and I used our Spanglish to communicate with Lidia but we accomplished our goal. She accepted the responsibility to use these funds, as she deemed appropriate, to help Raul's children.

    We told the Cinthia and Lidia that when we heard that two firefighters had given their lives in this tragic accident we were saddened. But we were even more saddened to know that husbands, sons and fathers had been lost.

    We now have contact information with both families and if anyone else would like to make a donation, 100% of it will go to the families, as did these funds. Contact me by email, private message or whatever and I can tell you where to send a contribution.

    My sincere thanks to Cancun lovers for their donations. Many of you are friends that I have met in Cancun. Many are friends from the boards, whom I have never met, but friends nonetheless. All of you are wonderful and generous and I will be forever grateful for your help.

    Both families know that their "gifts" and their sympathy are from us and our friends. Cinthia and Lidia thank you as well on behalf of their families.

    Love to all,
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