We saw it the night it opened, and there were quite a few lady groups there that had been pre-partying. So the theatre was pretty wound up. It took forever for any sex to happen. Thirty minutes into the movie the first nudity is Christians butt. At that point some guy yelled, "yes!" The theatre cracked up pretty good on that one.
I agree with Stacia. If you get past the hype about the sex scenes (which I mostly skipped too) the story was actually good. Unfortunately the focus on the sex warped the actual message in the books. Doubt if I'll watch the movie though. They rarely do the books justice.
This is Chris, by the way. Ken hasn't read the books and I highly doubt he's even considering the movie lol.
I am saying "BULLSHIT", I saw Ken reading last year at TTR while the rest of us partied the day away. :bootyshake:
I kind of want to read a Newfie Shades of Grey. "Her man just got home from Ft. McMoney, took one sip o' his Double Double from Timmies to wash down the Mary Browns he got on his way home. Then he thrust his fingers into her hair. Lord Tunderin' Jesus she was gushin for him!" How can you tell I've spent time around a few Newfies? lol
Wait, reading at a 5th grade level isn't exciting?! Guess I should stop being so proud of my Goosebumps collection.
We both made it halfway through the book before giving up. It was like reading the ramblings of a twelve year old. We may watch the movie when it comes on Netflix, it should be good for a laugh.
The Midwest must have different tastes...Every guy I know who has a wife or girlfriend went through a case of 'D' batteries a week while these novels were all the rage. This thread has the only negative reviews on this smut I've seen. My buddy would make it a point to stay awake each night till his wife would quit reading before bed. He told me he's never in his life had sex every night for three weeks straight except while his wife read this triligy. I guess it must have appealed to some since they sold about a trillion copies...someone was finishing these reads.