We have 5 pounds of gummy bears in the fridge that will be good and boozy, and their arrival date to TTR is Saturday, February 14th. They like to be earned. :clappyinghappy:
It's not officially crunch time for the Tempation party until you get a hot_2_trot/RnJ shirtless photo............I would say that gummy bears are a fair trade for snowy rooftop bathing suit photos.......although we were looking forward to those........Less than 4 weeks!!!
Ha! If you can believe it, there's not enough snow on our roof deck for a proper "Fu*k this sh*t" pic right now!
14th is BC for us but, hoping some will be set aside. I don't mind earning my gummies so don't let the Shitshow eat em' all up in one day!!
It's a pay it forward kind of deal. You put a gummi somewhere fun for someone else to eat, in full confidence that your chance to be the eat-er is next. Just don't break the chain!