Not sure - we are doing our normal trip early this year to celebrate our 25th anniversary but will see of the tax man treats me.
I took care of the 31 inches last week so beamer gets to take care of the 14 inches today. We will be at the sexy pool after lunch time Saturday. [emoji631] [emoji1] [emoji48] [emoji106]<br/>
Countdown on. 13 more sleeps to go! We are looking forward to meeting new friends and seeing our friends from the past two February trips.
3 more night shifts and 6 more agonizing sleeps to go till we go sleepless in TTR!!! Get your party on!!!
6 more sleeps (if I sleep) and not a damn thing is packed yet. Guess I better get a move on. On the plus side, I have 6 cans of AIWC sitting by the suitcase with a couple other goodies. Only one more item to pick up and start shoving it in. If I get a red light the customs inspector may look at me funny.