Mio with vodka and water is a good light drink that won't give you a hangover (generally). I did vodka and soda with lime most nights last year and did shots and other stuff during the day. I just prefer clear drinks for heavy drinking because you don't feel like a sack of shit the next day from all the sugar. Why do you need a raft? We might have something. We brought some last year I think but never used them.
We're off like prom dresses. See you all at the front desk in 12 hours with that drink in your hand! Well, okay, probably not!
Hey now, don't write off the pool quite yet. Dave and I have been in there doing some late night swimming the past cpl years...temp not so bad Audrey
I take a 1,5L bubba keg with us. In it I have my mix which is either mio or crystal light mixed with electrolytes. We get housekeeping to leave us extra bottles of water everyday. Then when I get drinks at the pool I just get shots of whatever I want and mix my own in my smaller bubba keg. This works great. I still get the slushy drinks from the bar but at least this way I don't go into sugar overload after 2 days. Audrey