[ame="&feature=youtube_gdata_player"]&feature=youtube_gdata_player Bronchitis???? Nobody got time for that! Lol
I get bronchitis often and think of that video EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. 'Cause seriously. I ain't got no time fo no bronchitis.
I saw a thread about the daily meeting for CCC members to plan the nightly Shenanigans... Anyone catch when and where that was being held? We wouldn't want to miss out on any Debauchery!....
I think by the round stone near the bar at the sexy pool at 4 pm. Although Lions and Zebras is apparently going to start yelling out names.
Thank god, not everybody in the world, has seen this video yet. Because every time somebody tells me "nobody got time for that" I explain how I feel their pain... And that I have bronchitis. Lol They must think I get sick a lot! And some people say it all the time! lol:aktion033::mexicoflag::mexicoflag: