Five more sleeps and guess who has bronchitis? This gal. Thankfully my doctor is awesome and saw me right away. My pharmacist is equally awesome and said that the antibiotics will not interact with alcohol. I will have to be even more careful in the sun though, and no extra tanning sessions this week. Watch our for the pasty white blonde girl.
Hellzyeah! Hangover-TTR edition. You throw up a pic of Joe Dirt and I'm calling my mama about my long lost TN brother!!
We think the duty free store at the airport would have it....if we see one we will pick it up and invite you guys and share it with friends!
:icon_mrgreen: John, I'll be glad to chip in on that bottle. Course if I find some I will buy a bottle too just in case your bottle on the 15th is empty by the 18th when we get there! Looking forward to seeing everybody.
Express check in complete------- pack bags----- get off the Michigan snowy cold ass RUNWAY pool side feb11---feb 21 hoot hoot
We are on the Boobs Cruise on the 18th....we will have ours ready when we get back to welcome you in! Look for us and we will look for you...