10 days to TTR, but only 4.5 more of work. We took off a few days ahead of our trip to adjust our schedule onto TTR-time! Starting Friday, we start working to change 5:30AM from wake-up time to bedtime. Wonder what goes on in Chicago at 4AM on a Tuesday? A club near our house has a Monday night dance party called "Porn and Chicken" every week, never been since, y'know, work. I was already excited about checking it out next week, then I saw it's a special Mardi Gras edition. Now that sounds like some proper TTR pregaming! SRTB Pres: Fat Monday Tickets - The Evil Olive on February 20 2012 in Chicago - Fla.vor.us
Suit Case is out, 4 nights of anticipation. Wife tried on her White nite dress, wow!! She has some nice shoes to show off.....
Two weeks from today, I'll be running around the house trying to remember where I've placed all of my naughty party clothes and bathing suits to keep the little one from seeing them. Last year, he accidentally saw my extra skinny, itty bitty triangle top that is hot pink lying on the bed, and he hasn't forgotten about it. 7 year olds are inquisitive to say the least, and forget nothing. Thank heavens for tall shelves in our closet!
last minute packing getting done. weather looks great for this week, just hope our flight goes off calling for snow in the morning in Md.... see you all there!!!