Actually Dave & Audrey, as a marathon runner myself we hardly do any running the week prior to the race! The mileage is cut way back because then you arrive on race day fresh and ready to go. I think a week dry-out is a good idea.
:icon_redface: Well I guess I just showed my ignorance as to marathon training :icon_redface: I see what you're saying about cutting back the miles and arriving fresh. So maybe limit the body-shot training to only 4-5 times a day and without an audience. And maybe only have 1 girl up on the bar at a time. That should cut back your training sufficiently that you will arrive fresh and ready to go! Always trying to help out! Dave
all very good tips! I remember trembling on the plane on the way home last year probably from withdrawl, thinking if I give myself a little cushion before hand this year, that may help, then again, practice does make perfect!:ernaehrung015:
I'm into my hourly countdown now, 90 hours til I lock the door and head for the airport! You have no idea how much I need a few days away from here, I really can't wait.
13 days is long wait! We just completed the express check-in. Clothes, costumes and swim suits are all figured out and some packed. Now all we have to do is wait 13 days to fly out, spend 2 nights in Isla, and we will arrive at TTR! It seems like such a long wait right now!!! We can't wait. artytime:
WOW I didn't know that was available thanks Sttewarts! I am now checked in for tomorrow! WHOOOO HOOOOOOO I couldn't sleep last night, I'm sure I'll be up all night tonight too!