Hey, can some one tell us what the theme nights will be during the week of feb 12th thru the 18th. Really want my husband and I to be prepared. Any help will be appreciated. This will be our first time and we are really looking forward to making new friends and enjoying all the activities. Thanks, Trish
Looks like a lot of fun people coming to TTR in February. Steve, thanks for the photo update. We'll be there 2/9 - 19. Party! Party! Parteee!!
Just booked our 4th trip to Temptation Feb.10th-21st can't wait to see all our Mexico friends and have FUNNSUN. Let the countdown beginartytime:
First timers visint Feb 18-25 Love this site and can't wait to get there! If anyone has suggestions for first timers, please let me know! Recent empty nesters here and just getting to know each other again!
Be prepared to have an awesome time! Dont be afraid to introduce yourself to people when you get there, everyone is so friendly! Get a picture up on your profile so we can recognize you when we get there. Welcome to the party!!:lotsofmichaelfs: