Another snow day, official blizzard ranking! Our sitter for next week has made it from Texas to Cleveland and is now grounded for 24hrs. At least we got her booked on the first flight leaving Cleveland for Buffalo tomorrow and we even managed to get her a hotel room to wait out her time there. At least we don't fly out until Monday, they should have this all cleared out by then!
Flying out a week from tomorrow!! We land at 11am and hopefully at the resort by 12:30 for a much needed cocktail!
Same schedule...but a week from TODAY for us!!! :clappyinghappy: What part of NJ are you from?? I am originally from E. Brunswick. See ya'll at the bar!!!!!!!!! :daveandmo:
After the snow we are getting today - we can't get out of here soon enough! 10 more days to go - and this week has been going quickly so far! Trying not to jinx it!
....and at this point.....the weather for next week is looking UN-EVENTFUL!! :aktion033::aktion033::aktion033: