All this talk about bad weather and a little bit of snow, It sometimes drops to minus 4 here in the uk,, and we had a quater inch of snow the otherday,, couldnt get the car out............. Actually we dont know what real snow is all about, a foot or two grinds our country to a halt. Still 2 weeks to go and temptations here we come. thats of course we can get to the airpot through the snow...
Depending on who you are flying, a lot don't charge for international (Frontier, for example, which we are flying- they charge for domestic, but not international). You might check that with you airline first. No sense paying to ship if it's free to go with you.
Has anyone heard of the games "What the F*CK" and "Let's F*CK" - if not - they are awesome - we will bring them with us on the trip - lots of drinks and fun to be had by all - again we are there Feb 12th to the 17th - Smiley=Crystal will be the one with a drink in her hand the second we arrive at the resort