Wow! sounds like we are all in the same moods. Kids are school today, but very surprised. More Lake Effect snow on the way (we live just south of Lake Michigan - which greatly effects our weather patterns). Thinking of moving somewhere much farther south when the kids are grown - just dreaming. The only thing positive right my babe has the afternoon off. No kids, freezing cold and snowy outside. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm - what can we do to keep warm? ha!
I do, too. We cannot really complain about snow where I live, though. Yesterday was our first real snowfall and it was only about 4 -5 inches. I grew up in SW Michigan and they are getting hammered this year. I have to say, I do miss the lake effect snow. If you are going to have snow, you might as well really have it. The end of February is going to be so warm, a heated pool will not be necessary!
We live smack dab in the middle between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie...we're getting getting it from both sides today! I'd guesstimate we've got 2.5 feet and it's still coming down hard.
Feb 5th to the 12th ! Can not wait to escape the cold clutches of Michigan !! We are looking to meet some new friends and party hard !! M&B
Those winters are why we moved to Arizona....very cool here but 70's in our future. I always found a little wisky in my coco worked, the kids got the marshmellows. Add another layer and think of warm beaches and topless lady's. See you in Feb. Tim & Thelma
there isn't much snow up here in Ottawa, but we've been skiing every weekend which is fun, and apres ski which is even more fun. It helps pass the time until we are in the sun having a drink by the sexy pool, 31 more days!!
2 hours south in Missouri is no better. At least with nothing to do outside but shovel, the treadmill is getting a workout this week, lol
30 days and counting!!!! We are chomping at the bit to get out of the cold weather and party like ROCK STARS for 10 fabulous days...everyone better get ready!!!!!!