Sounds familiar!!!! I think Allana started before Christmas. You sure that they are not related??????
Is it just me or did a bunch of posts get deleted? I've noticed several conversations that I'm sure there was more to last night (some I had posted in as well) WTH??
Hi There I see that you were on "February 2010 Temptation Roll Call" a couple of nights ago and yes there has been lots of posts there. I was a little mixed up at first as well. Most of the posts seem to be happening there.
Hammie, check out the thread on Temptation chatter "how to show your morals at T". The suggestion was to put x, xx, or xxx on your wristband to let others know if you are a swayer or a swinger. Sounds like fun to us. Pat
As a newbie to the resort can you explain X XX XXX? We get the idea but can you explain what each level is?
I'm just guessing, not sure: X = Non-Swingers, XX = Swayers (meaning could be swayed into it), XXX = Swingers