Smirnoff is the standard vodka, and they have one that is much worse, and a Polish vodka that we think is excellent. Wyrobba, or something spelled kind of like that. Annette drinks Absolute, and likes the Wyrobba better.
Smirnoff is considered their top shelf vodka. The last 2 trips we brought 4 750 ml of Absolute and had the bartenders at the Sexy Pool hold our stash. We made a lot of friend ! It's all about sharing and having a good time. This year we are bring Jaeger Meister and Southern Comfort for shots !!!
does anyone know what brands of top shelf vodka they sell at the little liquor store across the street? How does leving a bottle behind the bar work?
I love the mexican blowjobs, not sure whats in them but after 9 I felt no pain and was all happy ohhh the rainbow shots are great as well!
Sorry 12531, I know you asked this before but I just don't know. Maybe Mike can find out when goes down this weekend. Otherwise we are going next month & I'll find out for you. Scott