I think Fletch is old enough to dress himself now... Meaning - there's no way I'm taking all that stuff through customs again! ...or maybe we have him make a bet with the ladies and let them decide his outfit... Ian - you booked your flight yet?
Not yet mate and sorry to mess people about but I'm struggling for time off for this at the moment. I am waiting for a work collegue to come back from annual leave in order to ask him to swap shift patterns around as I had to use date's I'd set aside for CT for my recent trip to the Dominican. Yes, I know CT was sorted before this but there were other factors ( apart from 2 weeks free holiday in the sun! ) surrounding the Dominican trip and I had to go, and no..... I've not turned ...... :lol: :lol: I'm aware it's cutting it close but I'll know by 7th Nov when he get's back, but believe me I am trying 100% to make this happen. Ian :-| :-|
...a la collegeguy made it too Vegas(still owed money from bet) and has plane ticket to London BOUGHT!!
Correction - collegeguy talked about a UK trip for two and half years, engineerguy finally booked the ticket. Now that the collegeguy alias is up for grabs again, maybe Ian should consider switching to it... being flaky on travel plans and not paying his lost bets... ...just a thought...
hahaha ya, that would throw a few people off if he started chatting it up under that name!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Still waiting to hear from Ian. I think he said he would only know by the end of next week. That will give us a week to get the livers ready.