Hi do they sell Fans at walmart? Like the stand up fans?We want to buy one to put in our room at cancun palace. also is there a place we could donate it to the day we leave? or maybe Steve or someone off here needs one and we could give it to them the day we leave? if walmart does not have them could you tell me where we could buy one?
Walmart has them. One on a stand that rotated ran about $20. As for donations, I'm sure somebody could use them. Check out the Cancun Forum. There are a few charities listed in there. Jamie
thanks!! glad we will beable to get a fan. I pitty DH and the kids if not lol these hot flahses are killer and I get cranky and ill!
Yeah Walmart has plenty of them. As for passing it on, we dont need any more ourselves but I can make sure I find a good home for it. Or maybe you could ask one of your hotel staff if they want it?
I am soooo glad this subject came up. We will be there 6/29, and one of the first things we are going to do is hit Wal-Mart for a box fan. Thanks for the info.